Pacify Her (Blairatha)

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I suggest playing the song while you read this but it's up to you

TW: Yandere, Brutal Murder

Zanatha Millers chuckled as her girlfriend dragged her around by her arm towards the Ferris Wheel. Zanatha blushed as the brunette turned around and kissed her as they stood in the line. The gypsy watched the other girls gray eyes glimmer.

Little did either of them know, A small blond watched from not far away, hating Brooklyn, wanting her dead... so so badly...

Blair bolted home, running to her mother, tears forming in her teal eyes. "Blair?!" Diedre asked worriedly "what happened dear?"

The frilly dressed girl looked up at the woman "Ma-mamma... it's not fair..... she- she should- she should be mine!!! It's not fucking fair" the girl sobbed. "Calm down Blair" Diedre said wiping the small girls tears "explain to me what happened"

Blair looked down "it's been 6 months... Zanatha has been with Brooklyn for six months Mamma... she should be with me, I've loved her for years! I want her. That whore doesn't deserve her!!!!!!!"

Diedre stood in pure shock for a few minutes before taking a deep breath "Blair.. sweetie, where did you learn that /word/"

Blair cocked her head to the side "um... Charlie" she said confused. "That's not the point mom, the point is that I /need/ to kill her! This is wrong!"

Diedre looked at Blair "go ahead then kiddo, do what you have to do, I'm gonna go talk to Charlie about langue he uses around my daughter. There are extra knifes in the back shed, have fun Blair"

The blond killer quickly skipped out back towards the shed, she unfolded the chair in the small building, and held one of the knifes tightly, heading back towards the fair.

Zanatha had walked away, leaving the trashy white bitch, Brooklyn, by herself. Blair smiled as she walked up to her "Hey Brooklyn!!!!!!" She grinned "how are you?" Over a hundred years of torture, one thing she'd learned was how to fake a convincing smile.

"Oh Hi Blair! It's so good to see you, im doing great! How are you" The smile on Brooklyn's face was genuine and sweet, her sweater was a very similar shade to Blair's dress, and her white skirt and her tights with bandages printed onto them made it look like she was copying Blair's outfit, just cause the darker haired female much respected the shorter girl.

Blair grabbed her hand "C'mere with me for a bit ok?" The girl asked, faking happy still. Brooklyn followed not even hesitating to do so. The girl in front of her rolling her eyes at how dumb she was.

Blair led her back to the shed "Let's chat Brooklyn" she pushed the taller female into the wall of the building "Listen you fucking asshole, Zanatha is mine. I've watched this shit for 6 fucking months" she took the knife and stabbed it into the other girls chest, but not in a spot to kill her, not yet, she was going to make this long and painful, for the six months of pain Brooklyn had caused her. "I think it's been quite long enough"

Brooklyn let out a sob, Blair pushing her to the ground, foot hovering over the other girls head stomping brutally till the other blacked out, hearing the sickening laughter of a pure sociopath.

When the brunette female woke up she was tied to a chair, laying around her where all kinds of things... she didn't know why Blair was so angry, but clearly... this wasn't going to end well. Brooklyn whimpered as Blair walked back in, she looked like she was deep in thought as she slowly reached for the spoon on the floor. "You hungry? How about your eyes first, or maybe just one and make you fucking watch yourself eat it." The demonic female growled, And these things, yes, she did do to the poor girl.

By the time the girl was actually dead it had been two days and Blair had practically torn her apart, actually quite literally had torn her apart, even her heart had been cut out, turned into little pieces. The chances of Brooklyn surviving where non-existent from the start.

Zanatha sat at home, she did wonder where Brooklyn went, of course, but the truth is her feelings for the brunette where a cover up, it's true she never really loved the girl. She just hadn't wanted to admit her actual feelings for a different girl. The blond returned to Zanathas mind after 6 months... Blair Woods, the girl had always been kind of a mystery, no one knew where she was from or where she lived now. She'd been seen around by a few people with a short woman in a witch hat, but no one knew who it was.

She learned the girls name from Evergreen Thompson, who was friends with her. Something about Blair just seemed demonic and Zanatha loved it. She had also seen the smaller sneaking through her window and stealing her things, but she just let her do it.

She was hit back into reality when she heard a heavy knock on the door, she walked over to it, opening it, a small box sitting on the porch. She knelt down, opening it cautiously, and feeling sick at the sight, but she saw a paper in the bottom and she stuck her hand through the bloody body parts to get it. She realized it was a note and she read it to herself.

'Hey Dearie,
Sorry for the mess! I do hate making a mess when I kill but this felt like a good exception, I do feel bad for my mamma who's gonna have to clean up the shed, but~ I couldn't let this bitch steal your attention, nope nope nope! It just wouldn't be fair now would it be. I've loved you for years, and I'm not losing you to a little B I T C H, any who~ I'll see you soon ok baby? 

-Blair Woods~'

Zanatha reread one sentence over and over again 'I've loved you for years' The Gypsy had only known about Blair for a couple months, as in right before she started dating Brooklyn. She raised an eyebrow as she thought about it "so it's both of us then Miss Woods" she smirked, knowing Blair was watching her. "I like you too Blair, now, I do think Killing Brooklyn was just a little~ over the top"

Blair jumped out of the tree she'd been hiding in with a smirk matching the gypsys "over the top is my specialty Dear" she retorted. Zanatha snorted "good to know"

That night Zanatha laid on her bed, asleep, but she woke up to a small whimper in her room, she sat up and saw Blair Woods asleep at the end of her bed like a little dog, the window open, and Blair was the one who had been whimpering.

Zanatha stood up, pulling the window closed, then she laid back on her bed, but she sat back up when Blair whimpered again. She pulled the sleeping girl into her chest, pulling the girl closer as she laid back down, Blair's whimpers stopped as she did so. "Ah, so puppy just wants cuddles huh? Good to know" the gypsy snorted.

(I can't believe this is 1231 words, holy shit)

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