Slumber Party (Hollabelle)

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Jezabelle Roberts sat in her room, re-reading one of the many Star Wars books she owned when a soft knock rang at her door. Jez, quite honestly, panicked "Um! Give me a second!" She called jumping up and throwing her book in the wooden chest at the door of her bed, she pulled off her glasses and chucked them into her desk drawer and put in her contracts, fixing her long black gloves that went up past her elbows.

The girl then opened the door smiling "Uh- H-Hi Holly, what's" the girl choked "What's up?" She diverted her eyes from the gorgeous Alien in front of her. Holiday smiled softly "I just wanted to see what you where up to... you kinda took a while to open the door... are you ok Jezzy?" The girl asked, reaching to hold her best friends hand.

Jezabelles heart felt like it was gonna explode as Holly gently grabbed her hand. "J-jez... can we... can we go to sleep..."

Jezabelle smiled softly "yeah, of course Holly, let me go change into pajamas." The redhead walked towards the closet and pulled out a purple nightdress, frilly and skimpy as hell.

Jezabelle walked into the bathroom and slid off her shirt and skirt before putting on her nightgown. She pulled back her long red hair, looking into the mirror, her red eyes practically glowed as she looked back at herself.

The female felt tears rolling down her face,she  ran her hand along the hole in her temple. "God... I don't even remember how it happened... but how could I be so Fucking stupid.... I wonder if I had anyone..." she was cut from her thoughts as she pulled her contacts out.

She wiped the tears from her pale face, and stepped out of the room, holly laying on the bed with her arms open, so the girl just snuggled against the green skinned female.

"Hey Holly, why do you take care of me like this.... I mean... I barley even remembered my fucking name when you met me...?"

"I care about you, I always have"

Jez felt herself blush as she placed her head on Hollys chest once more. The two girls fell asleep together.


The next morning Jezabelle woke up to holly trying to get up. "Baby" Jez mumbled, and Holly looked at her with a smirk "Yes sugar pie?" The alien chuckled. "Mmmm.... You're soft and warm and I don't want you to move.... I don't wanna get up.... And I don't wanna sleep without you...." The girl whimpered.

Holiday melted and squeezed her tighter to her  chest, which made Jez smile, "comfy now my love?" The alien tittered.

Jez simply nodded her eyes half lidded. "Your cute when your half asleep like that" Holly teased. Jez didn't even say anything, just fall back asleep on her lovers chest.

(Some Gay Fluff)

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