Pasta oc Headcanons (Pt. 1)

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- Adelaide Gardener: Addy has two parts of her that arnt pure porcelain because of why her doll body was made (There's more to her story that I'm not gonna share publicly, sorry y'all, but it makes a lot of people uncomfortable and I don't wanna be bitched at)

- Jessica Lee: Before her death she told Kenneth how she was treated by her aunt and he promised to get her out, 20 minutes later she died, but Kennie still got her aunt arrested for child abuse

- Carol Winters: She wasn't born fully blind actually, she lost her eyesight over the 11 years of her life she lived, She was 9 when she went fully blind

- Blair Woods: when Blair gets angry she uses Ribs as a punching bag until he breaks and Dierdre has to glue him back together

- Emmallia: So when Nallia walks to much her knees get super stiff, causing her to fall, hard, and gets hurt a lot, and so Emmett, after doing too much, he makes Nallia sit down and rest before her knees get too stiff

- Silvinia: Lavinia likes taking Siren to haunted houses because she likes it when Siren grabs onto her when she's scared💅🏻💅🏻

- Silvinia: Lavinia can be a little possessive depending on her mood, Some days she's possessive as hell over Siren.

- Siladdy: Silas is very VERY protective over Addy, constantly worried she's gonna break or get broken/Hurt so sometimes his boys have to take him out and distract him.

- Aquamarine Marlo: When she was alive she died her hair differently almost every week, but after death the pink hair dye refuses to come out and it pisses her off

- Amelia Discord: Her hair is naturally blond, she looks much better when it's dyed to her, so she keeps it purple. Once she made the mistake of asking Wyatt to do it... let's just say she's never doing that again

- Mary Vandelle: Being the over protective mom she is she firmly believes Lavinia and Kenneth are using Siren and Aqua, and therefor dislikes them, a lot, She thinks either there using the girls as sex toys or for there money. Mary has trust issues-

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