Oh Lord We're A Mess

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Oh Lord, We're a mess

A scream erupted from Connie's room on the 1st floor. Mary ran down the steps, opening Connie's door, Her, Honey, Moxxie, and Eloise were laying on her bed, playing some sort of game "Why are you all screaming" Mary groaned, rubbing her eyes "it's four in the morning"

Honey slipped of the bed, hugging Mary "sorry Mamma, the game scared me" Mary laughed patting her head "it's fine, But lord... I thought someone was being murdered down here."

Honey giggled "Well... with These Three you can never tell can you?"

Mary nodded "Very fair point dear"

She saw two girl bolt past the door and she glanced out, Siren chasing Aqua with a pair of scissors clutched in her hand "GIVE ME BACK MY SWEATER AQUA!"

"It looks better on me!" The girl yelled, not turning around.

Mary rolled her eyes "A mothers job is never over, Have fun on your game Girls" she went after the two singers. "Siren! Aqua! Stop!"

The two girls halted in there tracks nervously turning around "H-heyyyy mom" Siren sputtered out.

Mary held her hand out "Scissors."

The blond placed the weapon in the taller females hand "Sorry..."

She only nodded "and sweater"

Aqua rolled her lavender eyes, pulling off the very very oversized blue sweater and handed it to there mother like figure. "Sorry mom" she sighed as Mary handed the jacket back to Siren. "Go to bed Aqua you look Exhausted"

"I just got home though!" She complained. Mary blinked "Charlie needs to not send you home so damn late then" she replied, voice deadpan.  "Well" the slightly shorter girl laughed awkwardly "He um... he thought I had left already... But Kennie had hidden me in his room..." she laughed remembering how she had gotten caught.

~A banging hit the Zombies bedroom door, "You two. Again?! It's fucking Monday morning, no one has time for this! Get your damn clothes on and then I want Aqua to go home. And I will be explaining what happened to Mary"

Aqua sighed "Dammit" she cursed, falling next to her boyfriend on the bed. Kenneth rolled over a little, holding onto her "I don't want you to leave" he complained. "I know Teddy Bear, but we're already in trouble" she sighed once more and got up, grabbing her dress off the floor, along with his hoodie. "Bye Bunny" he mumbled pulling his blanket over himself. She finished getting dressed and sat next to him. Kissing his forehead "Bye Teddy.. I love you"

"I love you too"~

Aqua was snapped back to reality by another sharp scream and a loud bang. "What the fuck?!" She yelled. Regan popped her head out the kitchen door "sorry! The oven exploded!"

"Jeez" a girl snickered, her brown hair in braids that trailed down her pink dress, contrasting her dark skin. "You guys are a mess"

Mary sighed "did they wake you up too Ophelia?"

"No, I sleep just as much as Addy" she grinned. "That's code for not at all, Anywho~ where is the little porcelain doll?"

"With Silas, there still staying at Wilbur's doll shop, Silas worry's to much about her to let her stay here, thinks we'll break her" Sauna giggled.

Regan popped out of the kitchen again "Guys... the ovens on fire now... Um... I think we- we should probably go somewhere else..."

Mary turned quickly "alright, everyone go get the others up! Careful waking Evergreen up, you know how that goes. I suggest Carol do it, she's the only one who hasn't gotten stung. When everyone's up meet me outside. And make SURE that Matilda gets out fast, if she catches on fire Emmett and Nallia will kill us all"

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