Fell Hard to Lose Hard (Brookhaidean)

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Fell Hard to Lose Hard

Haiden quickly changed into his pajamas, and he walked back into his room, where he frowned at the sight of Brooklyn struggling to change, tears rolling down her face. He sat next to her and carefully Slipped her pajama shorts over her shattered knees, her pulling them the rest of the way up her hips. They were both blushing as she hugged him "Thank you Haiden" she mumbled, Him wiping the tears from her eyes. "Of, course Sweetheart" he giggled as he cuddled under the sheets for bed.

Brook carefully pulled the covers over herself and grabbed her cabbage patch doll from the end of the bed, holding it as she Slowly curled into Haiden's chest. Haiden Smiled as she fell asleep, him moving her doll to lay behind her, before putting Brooklyn's arms around himself. Soon He curled around her and smiled, quickly drifting off.

Around midnight, the boy found himself awake Dean talking in his head, the slightly older boy excited to switch so he could hold Brooklyn too. Haiden let out a sigh, a little annoyed to give up his cuddle time, but he listened to Dean and let him change, the boys pale blue eye slowly becoming a blood red as Dean took over. His eye trailing to Brooke, curled up on the bed next to him. He quickly smiled and laid next to her, happy to just be with her, and he soon fell into a comfortable sleep with her clutched to his chest.

The next morning, Dean awoke to Brooklyn not being there. The tall male blinked, reasoning she must just be at breakfast. So he laid back down and fell asleep again. Haiden Waking up about an hour later, panicking that Brooklyn still wasn't around, he pushed himself off the bed with his one hand quickly.

He ran (as fast as his messed up leg would allow) downstairs and asked everyone else if they saw Brooklyn, nobody had though. He was extremely worried, he went back upstairs quickly. his knees shaking as he limped and paced the floor.

His phone buzzed as a video was sent to it. Holding the phone up he quickly smiled seeing it was from Brooklyn, but the smile fell when he saw the bubbling sickly green bath tub. A grown man standing with Brooklyn tight in his arms, she was awake, desperately trying to get away from the man.


Brooklyn felt her heart beating way too fast, like it would shatter her ribs. The man pulled her hair into a bun at the top of her head, before holding her chin on his hand "we'll make sure not to mess up that pretty face of yours doll" he smirked as he picked the sobbing girl back up.

The man grinned at the camera his best friend was holding up "ready for a show?" He chuckled. Brooklyn squirmed in a panic the closer he brought her to the tub.

He put Brooke in the tub, keeping her head and neck out, she screamed and sobbed feeling her own skin burn and boil. She watched the acid around her turn red with her own blood till the sight itself made her sick and the pale girl passed out.


Haiden tossed the phone down hard onto the bed, he wanted to scream but he couldn't, Dean was already taking over. As his eye flashed into red tears filled them, he wanted to crush the men who had hurt Brooklyn like that but- He knew he couldn't. With that, he collapsed onto the bed, holding Brooklyn's doll to his chest, and- the boy cried...

He started to calm down after a while but- he still felt the sharp pain in his chest, as he grabbed the phone and ran, as fast as his cruddy leg would let him to Charlies room. The man sat on the bed, reading outload a little kid's version of Alice in wonderland, Zoey, his tiny and miniature sized daughter Listening to him contently as her Mother figure did her hair.

Dean didn't care much for the cute scene, and he walked over and grabbed Charlie, taking him into the hall. Charlie saw him in tears and the short man got nervous "Dean?" The much, much taller boy started shaking. He handed Charlie the Phone, and Charlie looked confused "uh... Dean... There's nothing there?"

Dean snatched his phone back and panicked, the video was gone "Nonono there was a video, of Brooklyn. She was- some guy" he glared at his phone. Charlie sighed, patting his thigh, too short to reach his shoulder. "Dean, Brooklyn's probably just on a mission" and which that, Charlie returned to his family. 


After Sobbing in his room for what felt like forever, feeling blood running down his arm, all from one little nick he got from running into a fucking tree, Haiden heard a knock at his door, and when he opened it, Briar stood in front of him. The blond looked terrified "Brooklyn.. Its- Its Brooklyn, Shes- she's in the hospital cabin"

Haiden had never run so fast in his life. He got there, seeing Dr. Strongheart Patching his lover up. She was covered in acid burns the poor girl... Haiden crouched next to the bed, he gently placed his hand on Brooklyn's and well- he cried again... Until Bailey grabbed his shoulder and made him go outside the room, He hated it, not being able to be with her now that she's hurt.

The moment he was let back inside he asked Bailey why he had been kicked out, even for just a few minutes. Bailey just sighed, explaining that she had to bandage under the oversized shirt she had found the injured girl in. 

The tall male looked at Brooklyn and back at Bailey "Where did that shirt even come from" he questioned, worried. Bailey looked at the girl unconscious on the bed "probably whatever they did to her to burn her so badly just messed up her clothes so bad they had to put her in that." 

Haiden felt his chest tighten and dean took over, eye twitching in anger as he knelt next to Brooklyn again. It hurt him, him and Haiden both, seeing Brooklyn like this and the boy sat in a chair, neatly set next to Brooklyn's bed, and he clutched her had gently, laying his head next to her, and he cried himself to sleep.


Haiden and Dean stayed by Brookes side for a very long time. The girl being kept unconscious until she healed because of how bad the pain would be for her But after a little over a year, Brooklyn woke up, the first thing she saw was Haiden crying next to her, his eye went wide upon seeing her looking at him and he started crying harder. "B-brookie" he sobbed. 

Brooklyn smiled softly "H-Hi baby" she mumbled out.


1140 words, great job to me xD

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