December 26th 1990

10 1 13

Jeremy & Callie

Cypris Cameron walked up the stairs, cracking open the door to Callie's bedroom it was the day after Christmas and the room was a mess, torn Christmas cards on the floor, stacks of the gifts both Callie and Jeremy had been given, and, laying with Callie in his arms on the floor in the corner in front of a box television playing a Disney movie, was Jeremy himself.

The boy, as always, clung tightly to the female Walker, he wasn't asleep, just blankly looking at The sleeping Callie, fiddling with her pigtails and muttering something to her. Cypris sighed "Shouldn't you be heading home Jeremy, it's 2am"

The males head snapped to look at her "No? Shouldn't you mind your own damn business?"

Cypris rolled her eyes the boy had only been here for a few months, but seemed incredibly attached to the small pale girl.

Cypris noticed something, a smirk crossing her face "Mr so tough and independent, let Callie bandage up him up did he?"

The man blinked, his one eye glaring. "Get out of our room" he said deadpan. Cypris couldn't help but laugh, hysterically laugh. "Don't you mean her room" she snorted "you don't live here, hell your not even supposed to be here, it's a Wednesday"

Jeremy sighed "shut up"


When it hit 9 am on the 26th Jeremy woke to find Callie missing, he nervously ran down the stairs, she was sitting at the table by herself, picking at a large slice of cake. "That's not breakfast Callie"

The girl barley glanced at him, continuing to pick at the chocolate cake. The boy sat next to her and poked her "Callie, Callie, Callie" he repeated her name with each poke, after about seven pokes she turned To him sighing "Ow"

Jeremy smirked "Awe, did I hurt you? Cute~"

the female stood up, "I'm going back to bed" she mumbled, Storming out. Jeremy watched her leave, worried. "My poor precious little bean" he sighed.

Jeremy gave her a minute before walking after her. When the tall Harris male went to her room, she was already asleep. He sighed, sitting next to her, playing with her short black hair.

"What's up with you today Bean, was Christmas really that draining dear" he sighed once more, worrying over the females health.

Over the course of the day, Callie would wake up, go downstairs Barley saying a word to male best friend. She'd pick at a sugary food, barley eating any of it, before going back to bed. Jeremy spent the day following her, carefully watching and making sure the female was safe, that she didn't do anything to allow herself injury.

"Protect her" he mumbled, watching Callie's sleeping form, his heart ached at the way she had been acting. "I'll Protect You... no matter fucking what!"

(*sobs* it's short terrible, and took me way way way to long)

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