Surprise Party (Philaria)

13 2 11

(I really wanted to make this so-)

"There, that... that- ughhh last picture" the girl sighed, her pale green eyes looking over the pictures that lined the walls, the familiar girl in all of them "how's she manage to still look so good after three centuries" she mumbled, wiping the drool off her face with her sleeve. Philippa was lucky to have found the pictures of the birthday girl over the years, she had found them with Zanatha and Sirens help, on a creepy site talking about a ghost hunter,  bullshit clearly, but in this case it was incredibly helpful.

She sighed, slipping her arm back into her crutch and walking over to the other girls. "What time is she supposed to get here?" She questioned.

Evergreen glanced up from her book, of course she was writing again, "Addy left to get her" she hissed, annoyed that this girl was even around them. "Why are you even here, isn't a party too much for your pea sized brain"

Philippa looked down, taking a few steps backwards, but she hit the wall, she was trying not to cry, she really was. Gideon Melovic walked over to Evie, grabbing the twisted vine around his girlfriends neck and violently tugging her towards him. He threw her over his shoulder and looked to the handicapped girl against the wall "I'm so sorry about her, I'll take her home, enjoy your party Philippa, Apologize Maggot" he sighed, Evergreen snorted "do I get bonus points if I act like I mean it?" She chuckled, Gideon at that point gave up, carrying Evie out of the cabin, he'd talk to her about it at home.

Philippa took a deep breath when Zanathas phone went off, and the burnt red girl turned towards them "Guys Adelaide said there almost here" she smiled slightly. The group all did there best to hide as Philippa flipped off the lights, Mary helping her get down behind the couch.

The door Opened and Adelaide walked in, Zaria right behind her, Addy flicked on the light and everyone jumped up, yelling surprise, except A certain pale black haired girl, who couldn't get up, she didn't think this through all the way. Zarias smile dropped, she looked down and ran out, everyone was confused as Mary pulled Phili off the floor.

Charlie looked around and sighed "I'll go after her" he started, but he felt a hand on his shoulder "Can... can I?" Philipa asked quietly.
Charlie nodded "you may" he knew Zaria was more likely to talk to the young British girl then she was to him.

The young Jones girl nodded as she quickly followed after Zaria Lucius, well as quickly as the girl could.

When she finally caught up with Zaria the gypsy girl had collapsed onto the ground in the woods, tears streaming down her face.

The English girl carefully lowered herself to the ground, her arms gently wrapping around Zaria. "What... what's wrong..."

The crying girl snorted "I guess I over reacted, you all didn't know" she mumbled. Philippa looked confused "didn't know- what..."

"My parents died on my birthday when I was 4, I hate my birthday because of it, I've managed to avoid it for over 300 years, I should've known it wouldn't last forever."

Tears welled up in the eyes of the other girl too as she hugged the snake baby tighter. "Zaria you should've said somthing! I'm sorry!"

Zaria shook her head "don't worry about it" she thought about it before signing and kissing The other female gently on the lips "don't cry alright?"

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