Hold On Darling (Siladdy)

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There I was, laying on the ground, black oil spilling from my chest, and the place where my arm is supposed to be, but it was shattered into porcelain dust beside me... Oh lord I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start over.


Alright so, Let's start simple. My name is Adelaide Gardener, I'm an 18 year old doll demon. I died in 2009, and 10 years later, I met the love of my life, my boyfriend Silas Baker...

Who funny enough, was exactly who I was sitting with when it all started.


Adelaide sat in her boyfriends lap, he was carefully brushing out her hair, his other arm was wrapped around her waist gently.

Her blue nails tapped on his arm in the rhythm of a song she loved. One Silas recognized faintly, if he remembered correctly it was called River, he hummed it as he continued to brush her soft hair.

One he finished he felt Adelaide melt into his chest.  The male rested his own head on top of his lovers. Addy made the softest of squeaks, Silas laughed a little and kissed her head as he always does.

Silas tangled his fingers in her hair, her curls wrapping around his fingers. "Babydoll?" He asked softly, her head still against his shoulder.

She looked up at him, her sparkling teal glass eye looking at the listless blank ones of her tall boyfriend "What is it my tree?" She asked, reaching up her hand to hold his face, thumb rubbing his cheek.

The boy sighed again "So... my friends asked me to go out for a 'boys night' tonight... would you be ok on your own my lovely darling?"

Adelaide smiled a huge smile, covering his face in kisses "you go out and enjoy your time with your boys! You know I'll be fine" she cracked a very crooked smile, so huge Silas thought her cheeks would legitimately crack.

Silas got up and quickly got dressed, rolling his eyes when he noticed the black oil coming from Addys nose when he changed, once he finished He walked to Adelaide and wiped the black oil from her face. "Stop that Babydoll" he sighed, kissing her on the tip of her nose and placing his forehead to hers. Before the male walked down the steps from the apartment to the doll shop on the lower floor, and out the front door.


Adelaide laid on her bed, and she slid off onto her feet, she ran and grabbed a dress from her closet changing out of her pajamas, which- was just one of Silas's t shirts, and into her black frilly dress. She twirled around in her full size mirror, stepping into black her 6 inch platform combat boots.

She twirled around a few more times before skipping to the hallway closet and grabs a broom, sweeping the spotless apartment for the 15th time that day. She sighed when she realized she was running out of chores to do.

Adelaide sat on the floor, pulling her knees to her chest and rocking back and forth. Her tiny body trembled a little. The small girl didn't know why, but every single time Silas left the house, If she couldn't think of a way to keep her mind pre occupied, she felt sick to her stomach.

She was so out of it and so broken down that she didn't hear the steps up the stairs, didn't notice that someone walked up behind her... but then she felt a thin piece of metal jab between her cracks in her arm. Slowly... everything went dark for Adelaide.


Adelaide woke up to see A girl she didn't recognize, a red headed female, her eyes looked... broken? Practically rolled into the back of her head. Giant scars on her chest.

"Your friends with Mrs Song, Aren't you dear?" She questioned softly. Adelaide nodded, confused, till she put the pieces together. "Why do you want to hurt me Elsie... I had nothing to do with what Lavinia did to you... her killing you"

"Hurting you would hurt Siren though darling~" she giggled. Adelaide stood up, coming no where near The older girls height. She grabbed a knife from the holster around her own thigh, stabbing the shit out of the woman. Which pissed her off. She grabbed Addys arm and tightened her grip more and more, Addys arm broke off.

Adelaide broke down to the floor, her arm in dust, Elsie punched her hard into the chest and she heard a Loud crack. Addy laid on the ground, black oil, leaking from where her arm should be, and from her chest. She watched Elsie finally collapse from the blood pouring from the wounds Addy caused in her.


The doll didn't know how long she'd been laying there. That was till she heard the door creak open "IS THAT FUCKING ELSIE?!" A French voice called out in anger. "ADELAIDE" a British voice called worried. She was lifted into a pair of familiar arms. The pale male held her "hold on Darling..." he muttered "stay awake... It's alright Addy dear... your safe my babydoll"

Addy tried. She fought to keep her eyes open for him. Eventually she went limp into his arms.


Silas laid Adelaide on the work table in the doll shop, he grabbed a spare arm from his dads pile of doll parts. He slowly glued the arm back onto Addy, re hooking up her veins to the new arm and patching up her chest.

He waited for a long time, holding her close. After a few days she woke up. Silas felt his heart heal. Even a little. Her teal eye meeting his blank ones once again. His Babydoll was back, he knew she'd be weak. But he could help her. Help his baby.

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