How I Met Your Mother (Silvinia)

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Moxxie sat in her moms lap, the woman smiled at her "Moxxie dear" the woman started, braiding her daughters fluffy pink hair. "Would you like a story tonight?" The French female asked.

Moxxie happily nodded "Yes please momma!" She giggled. Siren smiled at her once more "which one?" She questioned. This caused Moxxie to smile more "Tell me how you and mommy met!"

Siren paused "that's a long.. complicated story" she sighed, but Moxxie pushed "We've got time!"

Siren nodded with a soft smile "I guess that's true" she finished braiding her daughters hair and tucked her under the blanket before she started speaking "The first day I laid my eyes on Lavinia was December 1st 2017..."


December 1st 2017,

Siren Song stepped off the stage, sliding her way to high heels off, finally done with her shift, she practically strutted towards the bar, sinking into her girlfriends arms Elsie Higgins hid the grimace that spread across her face at the sudden weight on her thighs.

She didn't love Siren, and everyone but her knew it. It was good publicity for Elsie, and nothing else. Siren laid her head against her girlfriends chest and looked around the club.

She spotted the same old people, people she saw every single day, from creepy old men to very gay women. Then something caught her eye, she saw a short skeletal creature, talking- no fighting with some tall zombie male, For once, the pop star didn't recognize either of them.

She turned to Elsie a bit "who is she" Siren questioned, elbowing her lover in the gut, carefully avoiding the lingering death scars The red head still had there. Still looking at the dark haired girl, who's dress was tightly fitting around her two toned body.

"Someone you don't want to mess with. I heard that her even looking at you is a walk to your own death" the girl said, grabbing the demons freckled face, thumb rubbing over her heart shaped birthmark... but it was too late. Lavinia was already walking over.

Within seconds she was standing there, her hand grabbed at Sirens ear "oh look, a water logged, fat ass fairy" she smiled wickedly.

Siren grimaced "Excuse me. At least I didn't crawl out of a gutter, fucking clown."


Moxxie rolled over laughing "That's how you guys met Momma! You had a girlfriend!"

Siren chuckled "Not for long" she sighed... "Not after Lavinia decided she was gay"


After fighting with Lavivinia for a while, Elsie and Siren said bye to there Boss Apollo and headed to Mary's. Siren had been dating Elsie pretty much since She died, Since Apollo found her washed up on beach, And tho he ran a strip club, Dude was her age.

Elsie and Siren went up to Siren and Evergreens room the moment they got there. Evergreen, who'd recently been horribly hurt, was already cuddled into bed, she was shivering and her blanket was on the floor, you could see the back brace wrapping around the pale girl as well.

Siren, who's always had a soft spot for children, even one such as Evergreen, walked over and covered her up with her blanket carefully.

Then the chubby female threw on her pajamas and cuddled into bed, her girlfriend laid beside her, but places pillows In-between the two, which made the touch starved Siren whimper a bit, but she did fall asleep... into a shit ton of nightmares...


Moxxie sighed "why did you let her be so mean to you momma? You deserved so much better!"

Siren patted the small girls head "I was so used to be treated the way Elsie treated me, that not a single part of me even questioned it"

Moxxie wiggled from under the covers and hugged her mom tightly "sorry for interrupting... please continue"


Siren went through work as she always did, her boss watching her like a fucking creep, as always did, but she noticed someone else there too, the same skeleton from a few days prior, she didn't watch anyone else, only siren, and that made the girls spine chill, because unlike the normal mocking look she was used to... it was an almost predatory gaze pointed at her.

When Sirens shift was over she slid out the back door of the club, not saying goodbye to her boss, and mostly avoiding him, and trying to avoid the skeleton goddess who was making siren oh so gay.

When Siren got home she found Evie's side of the room empty, and the girl remembered that the broken spined female was staying in the hospital that night.

So, realizing she'd be alone all night she slid out of her work clothes, not bothering to put on anything else, and slid into bed, wrapping up in piles of blankets.

As she started to drift off she heard a soft whisper and felt a thumb wipe the tears she didn't realize where falling from her face "you think your alone... but you're not..."

Too bad Siren was too far asleep to write it off as anything but her imagination.


"Momma was stalking you" Moxxie giggled, Causing siren to glare "We don't use that term little missy"

Moxxie huffed "only cause it's true"


Siren was making her bed, Pajamas on now, Evergreen was sitting on her own bed across from Sirens.

The black haired female looked up from the note book she was writing in for a second before looking back down "So when are you going to break up with Elsie"

Siren turned on a dime "What did you just say-" her remark caused Evergreen to smirk. "Well, she's a bitch, and also... your eyes been caught by that freako from Charlie's place, the Skelton goddess... Lavinia Harred I believe"

Siren kicked her foot a bit "well she is cute..." siren admitted. Evergreen merely sighed "I worry about you"

"You hate me-"

"Well duh, but you getting hurt or fucking killed, means I have to deal with a roommate I'm not used too"




"Evergreen was the one who figured you out? Guess she's not such a useless dumbass after all" Moxxie said with a raised eyebrow.

Siren laughed "oh no, she absolutely is"


Siren sat in the restaurant, she was waiting for her lover but, so far, she was an hour late. She was about to give up, but she finally felt a hand on her shoulder, She happily started to turn but- she saw the hand on her shoulder.. it was dark gray, not the pale freckled hand she was expecting, and so she turned.

Lavinia smiled down at Siren "Hello little fairy, Now... I'm sorry to tell you... But Elsie wont be joining you tonight. Or any future nights" the Skelton said. Siren couldn't help notice the blood splattered on the other females white dress. "Did you-" siren started.

Lavinia grinned "I had decided you where mine, she had to be removed"

Siren had expected to be angry or cry at the confession... but she smiled "Well then, Dinner sound good Darling" the demon happily smiled at the goddess. Everything was just as it should be now. Now that they had each other.


Moxxie smiled and cuddled back under her blanket, holding her teddy bear "Mommy really loved you" she said happily.

Siren laughed "I guess she did, my life truly changed for the better, when I realized the monsters where protecting me"

She felt arms wrap around her shoulders and saw Moxxies face light up, Siren leaned back into her wife's embrace. "How long have you been listening cupcake"

"Long enough to be reminded how much I fucking love you"

Moxxie watched them and gagged "Ewww momma, mommy, this is my room! Get your own" she almost fell of the bed giggling.

Siren smiled as she stood up and kissed Moxxies forehead. "Night kiddo."

Moxxie smiled too "good night momma"

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