Please... Nonononono (Part Three)

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Ash better get her sad music ready xD

Lavinias eyes fluttered open and she laid on the concrete floor of an unfamiliar wherehouse type building.

She started to move her hand, hitting an odd textured blob of something, grabbing it she held it in front of her face. It was a fleshy looking blob, purple sticky liquid leaked from it and Lavinia felt sick, she knew what this was, the visible bite marks where too familiar on it. It was her wife's fairy-like ear.

Lavinia dropped it, looking around desperately for her Siren. When she spotted the familiar black combat boots of her wife, tied to the legs of a chair. Her eyes trailed up and the disgusting sight in front of her made her feel so much pain.

Siren had blood pouring from her face. The men who had kidnapped them where looking at siren, touching her face, trying to get her to talk to them.

Lavinia tried to get up, but somthing was off, she noticed the odd drawing on the ceiling as she realized who these men where... demon hunters... "get away from her!!!!!" Lavinia yelled, desperate to get to her fairy, but she couldn't move because of the pentagram holding her in the small circle of space.

The men laughed, and turned to her, and that's when she saw the purple crystal clutched in the taller mans hand.

Lavinia heard a whimper and her head shot to Siren, her normally bright red eyes where dull, the cuts and blood overly visible on her body.

Lavinia stood up, running into the barrier of the space, feeling a shock as she was thrown backwards, hitting her head on the ground, and blacking out again.


In the cabin, Moxxie found a slip of paper and when she read it, she panicked.

Lavinia Harred,

Your mission is to kill Siren Song

-Have Fun

Moxxie held the paper, running to Kenneth Davis, who she knew counted Siren as a friend. Moxxie knocked on his door, Kenneth opening it slowly "What is it?" He muttered. Moxxie handed him the paper "She's in trouble"

Kenneth looked at it and sighed "where are they" he asked, Moxxie looked down "probably the woods"


Kenneth Davis, Zanatha Millers, Dominic Presley, Aquamarine Marlo, Blair Woods, and Charlice Stephens walked into the clearing in the woods, a sick look filling all there faces.

Sirens tarnished and disfigured body laid on the picnic blanket, barley recognizable. Charlie ran to her, not noticing Lavinia laying on the ground a little while away from the clearing, but Blair did, while Charlie was desperately trying to wake up Siren, Blair ran to Lavinia, a gasp escaping her.

Clutched in one of Lavinias hands was Sirens ear, and in her other hand was Sirens crushed necklace. "S-she actually d-did it... h-holy- holy sh-shit..." Blair whispered. Zanatha running over to her as well "She's still alive though" Zanatha said in a deadpan voice.

Dominic walked over, Sirens body in his arms "well pick her up, Charlie's gonna give her an ear full when she wakes up" he sighed.

The group, Carrying the two girls, walked back towards there house, they where all silent, except Charlie, who was, of course, crying over his lost daughter.

When they got home Zanatha dropped Lavinia onto her bed, Smirking as she took Siren from Dominic and put her dead body next to the skeleton. Then the group walked out, Charlie sadly having to figure out his way to tell the other children that Siren had passed, the younger kids cared so much about Siren, most of them seeing her as an aunt figure, because well, Siren had always been great with children.

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