Please... Nonononono (Part 2)

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(haha Angst is actually gonna be part three, so im killing you with fluff again, there shall be the start of angst at the end tho ;p and I'm sorry how short it was and how long it took)

Siren put on the outfit Lavinia Layed out for her and followed the instructions to the back of the  cabin, near the pond, Lavinia was waiting for her and when she saw Siren her smile widened "now that's hot" Lavinia muttered. She quickly tied a ribbon over her wife's eyes and scooped her into her arms.

Siren let out a squeak, causing Lavinia to laugh creepily "It's a surprise where we're going My lil Fairy" the skeleton said happily.

She carried Siren for quite a while till she got to a small clearing, and set her on the picnic blanket she had set up.

Siren smiled as Lavinia pulled off the ribbon from her eyes, Looking to her skeletal wife happily "This is amazing Cupcake!" The blond smiled.

Lavinia grinned "Awe~ all for you lil'fairy" she said, opening the basket in front of them as she sat down, pulling out a box of strawberry mochi, she laughed as Siren made grabbie hands towards the box.

Lavinia handed the box to her wife who happily opened it and started eating, it was one of her favorite foods, of course, Siren liked anything sweet.

The two heard rustling in the bushes, but decided to ignore it, that, that there, was there biggest mistake.

Minutes later someone wrapped there hands around siren, brining a cloth to her face, and the blond passes out. Lavinia jumped up, she went to kill the man but he had somthing over his eyes, she couldn't see them through it.

She didn't know who these men where, but they knew damn well what they where doing, and who the girls where.

Lavinia felt a piercing pain through her chest, as she passed out she heard "Siren song and Lavinia Harred, our sources where right, they where easy to find, they ever had there guard down..." whatever else they said was missed by her as she fell into unconsciousness.

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