You love me? (Vivian x Junie)

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Junie Katz. That name bounced around Vivian's head. It always, Always did. Didn't help that the blond woman was asleep clinging to Viv, arms tight as hell. Time to get up though, it was late, she slid out of Junies arms the best she could and shoved one of Junies largest teddy bears into her place. She walked to their closet and pulled out a black mini dress. She had a date with a man she'd met online. She didn't want to have to set her date up so late at night, but it was the only chance she had.. Junie wouldn't let her go out otherwise, but then claimed Viv was just a friend. Vivian loved Junie, genuinely loved her. That's why she wanted to go on this stupid date. She wanted to take a break from those feelings, to distract herself. She put the dress on, it was shorter than she remembered, but that was fine.

She unbraided the delicate braids in her hair that Junie had done before bed, it was a little sad, because Vivian had seen them as quite pretty, but she let her long hair fall around her, and slid on a pair of black heels, throwing on some mascara and grabbing her purse on the way out the door. The second she stepped into the living room though, two people were out there waiting for her. Ophelia Marcus, and Dante Rocco. Shit.. Viv just started towards the door, hoping they didn't say anything. But of course they did. Dante spoke first "Hey, Vivian kiddo.. going on a date at midnight seems hardly a good idea- I just stayed up to at least tell you, if anything happens call me, I'll come in a heartbeat yeah?" Vivian smiled, nodding at the father figure.

Then there was Ophelia. Opal stood up and grabbed Vivian's arms "Oh you poor dear. Let's hope you get home before Junie wakes up. Because she is not gonna be happy about this. And if she asks me where you went. I will not keep it from her. Just know that." Her voice and expression were emotionless, and that made the threat feel much more real. Opal terrified everyone.. and for good fucking reason. Vivian shoved her away, the other girl fell backwards into the table, Viv gasped and ran out the front door, luckily the 2016 black wrangler was sitting outside, she hopped into the passenger side fast and locked the car door after her. Just in case Opal came after her, Vivian wasn't dumb, she wasn't gonna walk in the dark like this. So she'd asked her best friend McKinley to drive her, Micky was happy to make sure her dumbass friend didn't get fucking killed.

Micky was sitting in the driver's seat with a monster energy in hand, and of course as per usual, the music playing was vulgar and violent, mostly insane clown posse. Vivian didn't mind, but she sighed "Heyyy, Micky did you bring me a monster?" She was mostly joking, but the girl in the other seat pointed to the other cup holder with Viv's fav monster. With that they were on the road. When they pulled in front of the bar the two got out, walking in together and Micky stayed close to her friend till Viv spotted her date and walked off to him.

But back at the hideout. Ophelia walked into Junies bedroom, flipping the light on, which did wake up the little blonde clown. The girl sat up, looking a little dazed, a bit confused. She looked at her stuffed bear in her arms in confusion, Opal sat down beside her and patted Junies head "Junie dear, I have to break it to you. But your sweet little friend Vivian went out on a date. She's been gone for about an hour." The blond girl's eyes went WIDE. "W-what?! M-my Viv? No no no! No!!!" She was being really loud, her breathing was hard, she sounded like her lungs were on the verge of collapse, jumping out of bed and grabbing shoes and a knife as quick as can be, not bothering to fix her hair or put on her usual clown makeup. She was about to storm out of the room but paused "where." Was all she said. And Opal smiled "the bar."

Junie ran to the bar, still in her pink Nighty. She wasn't okay with this. Not at all. She slipped through the back door of the building and she walked towards the main room, she knew she wasn't supposed to enter that way, but she wasn't sure if they'd have let her in in her Nighty. Then she spotted her teddy bear, she looked so pretty. She wasn't wearing her necklace though! Junie gave her a necklace! It was supposed to mark that she's Junie's!!! Junie felt so angry. She went up to the man and stabbed him- then she just kept stabbing and stabbing and stabbing until she was on her knees with the bloodied body, and Vivian was standing over her now splattered in the man's blood.. she looked like she was in tears, but Junie just started cackling "Don't you ever touch my teddy bear again!!! Never!! Ever!!" Her laughing was loud and booming.

Vivian's eye twitched and she sped away from Junie, she bolted to McKinley who took her outside, Vivian could barely breathe, it was too much, Micky settled her into the car and squeezed her hand "deep breaths Viv- in and out- shit.. I've never seen anyone have a panic attack- uhh... breath." Vivian appreciated the attempt, and she grabbed at the seatbelt, clutching it to keep from clawing at her skin. She sat silently, trying to catch her breath while McKinley drove her home. The punk esk girl looked over at her and sighed "do you wanna come to Mary's? Or go to Charlie's? Cause.. Going home to Junie seems like it might be a bad idea. Chicks fucking phsycho." Ha.. like Micky could say that. Viv shook her head "no.. I shouldn't.. just drop me off at the hideout.. I'll be alright" her breathing had evened out but she was still shaking like a leaf. As they pulled in front of the entrance to the warehouse Vivian stumbled out of the car.

She got in through the front door, and noticed Eleni Harred, half asleep on the couch. Eleni was never up so late, so Viv poked her a bit "Hey El? You alright?" Eleni rubbed her muddy green eyes and smiled softly "w-waiting on Ivo.. h-he went to fetch Junie" just that name and Vivian's face fell. Vivian stormed into her and the blond clown's room. She picked up the necklace Junie had given her, it was simple.. a silver J charm, with tiny pink crystal beads going up the chain. Fucking hell. Vivian threw the jewelry into the wall, it landed on the floor with a metallic ping. Vivian slid off her dress and into her pajamas. Back into her nightgown, and she sat on the edge of the bed, facing the wall, brushing her hair, at least that was an easy mindless task.

She wasn't great at coping with stress. She never had been. Maybe if she'd gotten her anxiety under control she wouldn't have died.. she could've run away from those girls before they got their knife out. It wasn't her fault she was pretty. She didn't even see herself as pretty. Skinning her fucking face honestly helped. Now she only had to look at half her face. The door opened behind her, it broke her thoughts so fast. Just to hear that voice "What on earth was that??" Vivian nearly growled "I wonder too. I really do." Junie blinked a little "I was doing you a favor Teddy Bear! You didn't know him! He could've done something!!" She sounded so certain, Vivian sighed "he seemed to see me as a person at least. And not a pet."

"Oh silly! I see you as a teddy bear! Not a pet!!" Junie acted like that wasn't worse. Vivian grumbled "oh yeah. An object. That's so much better". Junie spotted the necklace on the floor and picked it up "why are you so angry at me Vivian? You're never angry at me! I hate it!!!" Vivian finally looked at her, the tears welling up in her eyes where obvious now "Junie I was only on that stupid date to kill off my feelings! Yet you showed up and reminded me of those feelings all fucking over again!!" She turned away again, tears streaming down her face.

The other girl just paused.. she didn't understand. "Y-you.. feelings..? Are you saying you love me..?" Vivian loud at a cold laughter "not that it matters. You have a demon god to impress right? Now I'm an obstacle. Guess you have to kill me." Junie didn't understand, she crawled onto the bed, going up behind Vivian and clasped the metal chain of the necklace onto the sobbing brunette's neck. Crawling around her to push her onto the mattress, Junie was quick to crawl on top of her.

Vivian, too stunned to speak, just looked at her confused. Then the clown kissed her. A very hard kiss. Vivian grabbed Junie's shoulders, and the girl in pink pulled away. "Mine! My teddy bear. My girl. You hear me? No more dates! Mine! I love you too, you're my love" she seemed proud. Still in the bloodied Nighty, she rolled off the patchy woman and crawled up to the top of the bed, pulling Vivian into her arms. "Mine. All mine. You hear me? I won't share."  Viv just nuzzled into her, falling asleep without a word. Somehow this truly eased her mind. She felt less terrible. Which is certainly a plus. Junie smothered the top of the sleeping girls head with kisses until she herself fell asleep too.

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