We'll get through this together (Emallia)

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(A relatively short angst but ya know)

Emmett sighed, walking through the woods on his own, heading towards the far away Cabin that his lover lived in all by herself. The doll never loved the idea of his tall girlfriend living by herself so far away from everyone else, but of course it was her choice.

As the boy got to the familiar building he knocked, he got nervous when the door didn't open so he slowly felt around till he found the lock, sliding in the key he had been given. As the door creaked open he stepped in, "Buttercup? You here?" His Italian accent thick with worry.

Emmett Montanari walked to the back hallway, having the layout of the place memorized, he heard sobbing as he walked closer that way, he picked up pace and he ran straight into Nallias bedroom door.

He rubbed his head, reaching to the doorknob and slowly opening it. "Buttercup are you ok?" He questioned softly. When no reply came he sat next to her, wrapping his arms around her "please stop ignoring me"

Nallias tears ran faster as she muttered out a "don't touch me" Emmett felt a sting as the words left her lips "I'm not going anywhere" the voodoo doll countered.

The tall girl pulled away, standing up and running out of the room, and Emmett heard the front door slam shut. He got up running after her and pulling open the recently shut door "ITS TOO COLD OUT THERE! Please come back!" The male called after her.

When she didn't come he ran after her, or at least where he thought she went, after a while he could hear her crying again, and the visionless male tripped over the sobbing girl, he scooped her up carefully once he stood himself back up. "Put me down" the raven haired girl thrashed in his arms, he only held her tighter "do you even realize how sick you could get Nallia?!? Your out in the cold in shorts and a sports bra! You could freeze!" He couldn't see he but could at least tell the general idea of what she was wearing. The girl only continued to thrash around as he carried her back to the main cabin, walking inside.

Charlie ran over quickly "what happened" he asked, worried about the teenagers. Emmett wished he could cry as he held Nallia "I don't know... when I got to her house she was crying, I tried to talk to her and she ran out so I brought her here... I didn't know what else to do, she's never acted like this before and I'm worried about her."

Hearing this Nallia managed to thrash her way out of Emmetts arms, landing hard on the floor "I'm fucking fine! Ok? That what you wanted?" She stood up, heading towards the door when Emmett grabbed her arm "it's him isn't it" the male inquired.

Nallia turned back to Emmett "y-yeah..." she mumbled, at that moment everything clicked for the doll, his girlfriend had been having a relapse from before her death. "Nallia listen to me" He pulled her into his chest gently "everything he did to you is over Baby, and even if he did come back, I'm not going to leave you, your never gonna have to suffer by yourself again, I promise" the man rested his head on top of his girls shoulder, that's as high as he could get.

Nallia moved, kissing Emmett softly "thank you" she whispered. Em froze for a moment before he kissed her back, happy that she seemed to feel better, that he still had her, that he had her to begin with.

Emmett scooped Nallia back into his arms and walked Upstairs to his room, laying her on the bed.

(clean y'all's brains before I continue, I know you need to -_-)

Emmett cuddled into Nallias open arms, laying his head on her chest "I love you" he heard the female mutter into his ear as they both fell asleep, Nallias arms tightly wrapped around him.

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