Forever and Ever (Eastbeth) (Jarlett)

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Forever and Ever (EastBeth) (Jarlett)

Third grade, One twin boy was dropped off at the classroom on the first day of school. As kids started filing into the room, a table filled out, a table of two. The Boy, seated next to a shorter Black haired girl.

The girls smiling huge, leaned across the table grinning at Jake-Arlo, the brunette boy looked at her with a confused look "H-hello?" He asked.

Scarlett laughed a bit "I'm Scarlett! What's your name?!"

The male giggled "I'm Jake-Arlo" he smiled at her, patting her hair and pausing "you have hair buns" he laughed, tugging at the space buns on top of her head. Scarlett nodded "my mama did my hair all fancy for school"

"Can you do my hair?" The boy asked, reaching out and tugging her hair again. Scarlett dragged her chair behind Jakes chair and stood on it, putting his short brown hair in braids, and this. This symbolized the permanent friendship of the two 3rd graders.


Down the hall, in the second grade classroom, A shy boy hid in the corner of the classroom, on the carpet surrounded by books. A little strawberry blond was dragged in by the principal, her mother was angerly screaming at the man in front of her who was dragging in her daughter.

"MY DAUGHTER CANT BE IN ONE OF THESE CLASSROOMS! She's too unstable to be with normal kids! They'll be horrid influences and try to get her to eat candies and read sinful books!"

The principal ignored the yelling woman and placed the 2nd grader on the floor, when he turned back to her mother, the girl ran off to avoid the rest of her class, she snuck behind the book shelves, and a small boy laid on the carpet with a book in hand.

The second that she saw him she ran over to sit beside him, smiling a bit "He-hello" she mumbled. The boy turned, and fiddled with his glasses "hellow" he smiled nervously "who're you?" He questioned softly,

The female laughed a little "I-I'm B-Bethany... Bethany Low-Lovelock" she grinned. The male nodded "I'm Eastwon!"

Bethany didn't reply, and looked at the book in his hand "will you read it to me..." she asked softly, the male gave a huge smile as he fiddled with his glasses "A-alwight... here's the stowee" he opened the book and started reading to the smaller female.


Halfway through the year, The third grade Scarlett Cambel was fighting with another kid in her class. A boy who'd called Jake a freak. Jake had been about to punch the other boy when Scarlett jumped in.

The young girl pushed him to the ground and sat on his chest "You think your better then Jake?! Jake-Arlo?! As if!" She yelled, Jake trying to pull her off the boy before she did something dumb. Scarlett leaned down, running a hand through his hair "Your just a pretty Boy. Mama says boys like you, are good for nothing!"

Scarlett bit the males arm, a huge chunk of his arm gone. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" he sobbed, as Jake was finally able to pull the girl away, he pulled her to the other side of the classroom. "Scarlett spit it out" he said. Knowing the teacher would be back soon.

Scarlett spit the chunk of the kids arm out, smiling, face covered in the other kids blood. "I defended you" she smirked. The boy paused "you did that for me-" he asked softly. She nodded "I care about you... he was a jerk to you... even if he was hot.."

The classroom door opened, the teacher walking in and looking around in fear, calling the front office, while rushing to the boy bleeding on the floor. Jake grabbed a towel and tried wiping blood off Scarlett's face "Scar if they know you did that-" before he continued the nurse and school security guard rushed into the room and the nurse rushed the little boy on the floor out.

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