Take Care Of Her (EastBeth)

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Take Care Of Her (EastBeth)

Bethany's gaze landed on Easton, her figure was trembling, she had huge cuts all along her body, tears ran down her face. As she stumbled to Easton, collapsing once she got close to him. Though the male caught her the moment she fell.

She woke up with him knelt on the floor, holding her, a panicked look on his face "Bethany?! Beth what happened?!"

Bethany groggily mumbled out random words, something about Mary, a Wolf, and a demon.

Easton sat down, keeping her head on his thigh, running his hand over her forehead "You have a fever... Tell me what happened before we deal with that though"

Bethany sighed "I was playing outside with Marnie, Mary's dog- demon wolf thing, he attacked me... Brutus i think is his name..."

Easton nodded, "alright, I'll have Haiden talk to Mary about keeping him put up when people are outside" with that Easton hitched her up onto his back and stood up, as he did so Bethany passed out once again.


When Bethany woke again, Easton was at her side, his hand clutching hers, she looked around, realizing she was in his room.

Easton saw her awake and walked to the closet, pulling out the pink and white floral basket he kept with extra clothes for her. He pulled out a white swimsuit and placed it on her chest "can you get changed on your own?" He asked "I'm gonna run you a bath to clean the blood up, I wanted you to wear this so I could sit in there with you, I don't necessarily trust you not to try to drown yourself... especially in this state"

Bethany nodded a bit, sitting up shakily. He smiled and patted her head before walking out, both to let her change in private, but also to go run her bath.

Bethany pulled herself up out of bed, quickly slipping out of her dress and into her bathing suit. She collapsed back onto the bed and laid in there.

The door creaked open and Easton stepped in, wearing swim shorts and a t-shirt. He came over and picked her up. He carried her to the bathroom and he helped her into the tub.

Beth straightened up and stared at him "Why is it so cold East!" She complained. He laughed, sitting in the tub behind her "because you have a fever, the cold bath should get your body temperature closer to normal" the boy had her sitting in his lap, him washing out her hair and cleaning up her injuries from Brutus and the cuts on her side.

She winced when he put water over her cuts. She leaned against his chest, no strength to sit up. Easton was a little shocked that she'd leaned on him but he didn't mind, so he continued to was the blood off her.

Once he was sure every injury, the ones she got at her prom, the ones she gave herself, and ones she'd gotten that night where cleaned, he stood up and dried himself off, before pulling Beth out of the water and helping her dry herself off, then he sat her on the counter and bandaged her up.

He brought her to his room, setting her down on the bed again, and laying out a pair of pajamas and one of his hoodies. He grabbed his own pajamas and walked back to the bathroom to clean up the bloody floor and to change into his pajamas.


Bethany was laying on the floor in Easton's room when he got there, curled in the corner under a blanket, a stuffed bunny that Easton had given her pulled to her chest.

He scooped her up, though she complained. He held her in his lap, sitting on the bed. He brushed her hair out with the brush she'd left on his desk. "Your hairs soft after you wash it" he muttered.

She muttered more complaints and tried to pull away, he knew she was touch starved, so he knew it was new for her to have someone take care of her. "Shh stop fussing. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just braiding your hair" he sighed as he kept braiding her short ginger hair.

When he finished he laid down, her laying next to him, she placed her stuffed bunny down and cuddled up to Easton. The clown went stiff but melted into the affection after a minute and he cuddled her back.

Her head rested on his arm as she mumbled out a soft "mmm... your warm... your my pillow now" she mumbled, he pushed past the blush on his face to use his free hand to feel her forehead "your still burning up" he sighed "I can't believe Charlie let you go outside in the cold like this, you've always been the fragile one"

With that they both fell asleep, and for the very first time ever, they where cuddled close to each other.


Easton awoke to a scream coming from beside him, he shot up to see Bethany sitting against the wall on the edge of the bed.

"B-Bethany? I heard you scream... Nightmares again?" He questioned. She wasn't responding, and she didn't speak. Tears streamed down her face, and he slowly reached for her hand, with no reaction from her. "Shhh... it was just a bad dream... just a dream okay? None of it was real... please don't cry... I hate it when you cry"

Bethany looked up slowly "I... I'm ok" she muttered in a hushed tone. "Please... don't tell me your 'okay' just look at me and breath... it's gonna be ok, I've got you..."

After he helped her through a few deep breathes she seemed to have calm down a bit. He smiled "you ready to go back to bed? I'll protect you the whole time I swear"

He wrapped his arms around Bethany and the two snuggled back under the blanket. Easton playing with her hair while they both passed out.


Easton woke up much before Bethany did, He heard a knock on his bedroom door, and since he wasn't used to visitors he walked over to it confused, cracking it open to see Bethany's short blond father figure staring at him.

Charlie noticed Beth on the bed behind Easton and gave him a confused look "what happened to my daughter." his protective father nerves coming through.

Easton sighed "she was playing outside in the cold with Marnie yesterday, she got sick from the cold, and attacked by Marys Demon Wolf Brutus. She came back to me last night, bleeding and half conscious so I've been taking care of her."

Charlie looked shocked for a moment "Oh.. well thank you, I was coming to tell you that you had a mission, but I'll send Enrique or Gideon instead" and with that he walked off down the hall.

Easton heard a small noise behind him so he turned, Bethany was still laid out on the bed under his blankets, but he could tell she was slowly waking up.

He walked over and sat next to her "morning sleepyhead, I thought you where gonna sleep forever." He laughed, "can I get you anything? Juice, Tea, Hot chocolate?" He asked, remembering not to offer her coffee, cause he knew she hated it.

Bethany shook her head "Nono Its ok" she yawned. "I've been alone for so long that you just being here is all I want from you"

Easton nodded and fiddled with her braided hair. "You know I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice" she stated, absentmindedly, not paying much attention to her own words.

Easton flushed, but it wasn't obvious due to his pale faced clown makeup. "What?"

Bethany looked at him "What did I say clown boy?" She was struggling to remember what she even said because of her fever.

He shook his head "nevermind Bethy... its not important" he smiled, "you wanna do something together Beth? Watch a movie or something?"

Bethany nodded her head "We should watch IT!"

Easton paused "The killer- killer clown movie-"

"Yessiree" she giggled, grabbing his hand and wiggling out of bed.

Easton laughed and stood up with her "let's head downstairs then"

Bethany nodded and the two walked out of the room, Easton having to hold the poor girl up as they headed to the stairs.

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