Bee Stung Heart (Evereon)

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Evergreen stared at the walls of the sink hole. She'd been here for so long, always hungry, always hurting, she sighed, falling back onto the poison ivy covered ground.

She woke up with a jolt when she felt herself get kicked hard in the rib cage, hearing a male yell up to someone on the edge of the sink hole "EY SLUT SHES ALIVE"

Evergreen growled "What the actual hell" she sighed. The green skinned man at the top of the pit yelled back "BRING HER UP HERE, SHES PROBABLY HUNGRY AND COLD!"

Gideon sighed "whatever" he mumbled before turning to the scout "Your coming with me-" he looked at her arm, noticing the bloody holes, white worm like figures crawling around her "Nasty fucking Maggot"

After the used there vines to help themselves to the top, Kenneth Davis looked the black haired girl up and down "Shit you look terrible.. how long have you been out here alone?!"

She sighed "I wish I knew" the scout admitted. "What year did you die?" Kenneth question, carefully picked up the frail small girl. She winced at his touch, trying to pull away but he sighed, continuing to scoop her up.

Gideon glanced "dumbass is hurt, clearly, something's wrong with her back, I can see the blood through her shirt"

Kenneth nodded "Alright little bit, we're gonna take you home, clean you up, get you fed"

"Evergreen... my names Evergreen... Evie works too... and to answer your question, 94"

Kenneth and Gideon looked at each other, they'd been sent on this mission despite there hatred of each other, but the shock that the poor female had been there for 20 fucking years, by herself. "That is 20 years kid..." Kenneth sighed, holding her closer, "I'm sorry that happened.."

Evergreen twisted out of his arms "20 years?! Nononono" she tried running off, the weight of the truth and the realization she hasn't eaten in 20 years caused the collapse of the girl onto the ground.

Gideon picked her up this time, begrudgingly. "When we get back I'm dropping her on the floor and kicking her again" he mumbled "Charlie really sent us after a 'threat' and it's some clearly touch starved, tiny ass, Malnourished maggot? Yeah. Such a threat, can't even stand up straight" he complained and complained.


That night, the female had been patched up, and awoke to The two men from earlier plus one, much shorter male.

She looked around, fiddling with the tight bandages on her arms, feeling the bugs crawling under them, trying to get out... hearing them screaming... though that part was all in her head.

The blond male smiled "Um I'm Charlie..." he started, as Evergreen smiled warmly "it's very nice to meet you sir, I presume this is where you live?" She questioned, a sickly sweet tone in her voice, the girl was amazing at acting innocent.

Gideon sighed "Ugh just a random little kid, I feel so threatened"

Charlie sighed "Im guessing your attacks where out of fear"

"Yes.. I'm so sorry" she lied, crocodile tears welling in her eyes.

Charlie hugged her tight, "it's alright kiddo, Now, Someone told me you haven't had anything to eat in twenty years, so how about we get on solving that crisis." He said, Giving a comforting smile.

Evergreen nodded and allowed Kenneth to help her out of the bed, The three walked to the kitchen, Gideon angrily trailing behind, He couldn't help stare at her, and he wasn't sure why.


A few weeks later the two laid in bed, they hated each other but Charlie wanted them to share a cabin. Stacks upon stacks of pillows separated the two, Gideon laying on the edge of the bed, cursing himself for being close to her and not feeling completely disgusting, the annoying girl, with her annoying maggots, and her annoying plant addiction, and her annoying- wait... why couldn't think of anything else to hate on about her, oh yeah, her stupid, annoying, fake smile.

Evergreen, on the other side of the pillow wall, snuggled against the wooden cabin wall, covering in blankets and surrounded by stuffed animals, was the young Girl Scout, Evergreen Lauren Thompson.

She tossed and turned in her sleep, tears welling down her face. Gideon glanced to the pillow wall, moving a few to get a good look at the female. He noticed vines growing up the wall, they where sharp and thorny and seemed to stem from where she laid.

He sighed, knocking the rest of the pillows into the floor, he dragged the girl into his arms, even though he felt her thorny vines growing up his arms.

After a while she calmed down, Flowers replacing the thorns. He would've let her go so she didn't know he'd done this, but he was asleep already himself.

And so the next morning when Evergreen woke up she was in the arms of the man that had been driving her insane for weeks. She jumped up, pushing him off the bed.

He sat up grumbling, Evie glared "What the fuck where you doing!!! Trying to make a move on me while I was sleeping?!? That's low, really fucking low, and absolutely disgusting!!!" She frowned storming out and ran to Kenneth Davis and Aqua Marlo's Cabin.

She didn't bother to knock and she went straight to the kitchen, ignoring the noise from upstairs "IM HERE KENNETH" she yelled. She knew what they where doing, but she also knew it was Normal "grownups fuck" she mumbled, she thought it was gross, but whatever floated there idiotic boats.

The female flicked through the fridge, disgusted to see vegetables on the bottom shelf "animals" she growled, pushing past it to get to the bacon behind it.


As Evergreen cooked she heard footsteps down the stairs. Her brother like figure laughed "So Evie- about Earlier"

Aqua sighed "good luck kid proofing this one"

Kenneth glared at her before turning back to the 7 year old "So Evie there's times when-" he was cut off by the younger female rolling her eyes. "I know, Grown Ups Fuck."

Kenneth stood shocked for a moment, Aqua laughing behind him.

Kenneth sighed as Evie made plates for herself and him, but not Aqua.

Aqua sighed and picked off Kenneth's plate, she didn't eat much anyway.

Kennie looked at her "so Evie... what's up Sis? You've never come this early before?"

Evergreen growled "Gideons a fucking creep" her eye where dull at the mention of the male. Kenneth blinked "Did he do something"

"Well he was clinging to me like a stray puppy when I woke up" she muttered. Kenneth glared "He touched you?!"

Evergreen sighed and took a sip of her hot chocolate "Well not badly, not that I know of, it was more like a cuddle... but it threw me way off guard."

With that the door knocked softly. Evie opened the door "What do you- why the hell are you hear"

"Came to make sure you where ok... filthy maggot" The male at the door grumbled. Evergreen sighed "I'm fine creep" she looked down, kicking her little feet back and forth, staring at her even muddier then usual socks.

Gideon noticed and look her in the eyes "Did you, run all the way here. Without shoes. You idiot, it's cold you'll get sick like that"

Evergreen couldn't help laugh "Oh really? Stop being a worry wart you idiot" a real, honest smile on her face. Gideon felt his face flush, "Evergreen" he looked down "oh shit"

After she ate Evie gave her older brother a hug before going home with Gideon, the male insisting on carrying her so she didn't get sick.


That night, the two fell asleep, no pillows In-between them, definitely kept there distance, but it was a step, a step towards possible soulmates coming together.

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