I Missed It All

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(Hey sorry for the sudden angst... i was originally gonna write some fluff today but um... something happened today and I'm just not really in the mood anymore to push out anything too happy and I don't wanna burn out... I'm not even sure what to call this... angst or fluff or idk anymore)

Charlie took a deep breath, it had been quite a few years since he had killed Rachel and left the familiar, comforting place he had called home for so long. He eventually realized how dearly he missed the family he had built and he decided he needed to come home, he was expecting them to hate him by now... but he was here Anyways and he knocked softly.

The door and opened and a tall blond looked down at him, her eyes going wide "Charlie?!" Honey sobbed, hugging him tightly. She wiped her face "h-how are you?" She sniffled.

"I'm doing... better.. but I do feel terrible for leaving all of you for... god... nine years... my you've gotten big"

Honey smiled softly "why don't you come in, you missed quite a lot" she opened the door wider and gestured for him to come in.

As the two sat down Charlie found it odd how silent it was, minus the distant noise of a vacuum. "Please fill me in the best you can" he asked the girl beside him, who nodded.

"So... after you left... we realized mamma was gone too... and... about a week later..." tears welled in her white eyes, the memory of what they had found tearing her heart out. "We found her... her throat slit by her own hand, Alex was there... poor baby had seen it all, we burried mamma that night" she tried not to start sobbing, it's been years, and she knew she needed to get over it.

Charlie's hand covered his mouth "M-Mary died..." he reached his hands to honey, holding her hand in his. "I'm so sorry Honey" he mumbled.

She sighed... "Um, there's happy news too! Lavinia and Siren finally got Married! So did Evergreen and Gideon"

The man smiled, actually happy to hear this "that's amazing! I do hope there-" he was cut off the by door swinging open, three people who held plants in there arms walked in. One of them looked about six, the other two where most definitely grown.

Charlie looked to honey "forget to mention something did ya?"

"Oh yeah, Evie and Gideon had a daughter, they tried to have a second baby but they lost it..."

The Melovic family placed down the plants as the two parents tackled Charlie in a hug, Evie crying. "C-Charlie! After- after we found Mary I- we all thought you had died too! And- now you here" she continued to sob. "It's been really hard- foods been tight, we've lost people... others have lost themselves..."

Charlie hugged the crying girl and her husband "it's alright Evie... I'm here now and I'm gonna try and help You all the best I can"

Evie straightened up, well the best she could, which wasn't all that straight cause of her broken spine. She gestured for the small girl behind her to come over "Charlie, Meet our daughter Violet"

The younger female cracked a smile "Very nice to meet chu, I've heard plenty bout ya"  she had a mixed and hard to understand accent, but Charlie could tell why, it was mixed of her parents, and well... a Spanish and Russian mixed accent was gonna be scary as hell when she's older.

Charlie smiled at her and reached his hand out "it's nice to meet you Miss Violet" he shook her head as the kid giggled.

The door opened and in walked a familiar girl, her short black pigtails matted and at the sight of Charlie her blue eyes went dark. She grabbed Charlie's arm and dragged him into the other room, throwing him against the wall.

"You leave for 9 years, Blair is dead. Mary is dead. Connie and Zanatha are completely different people then they used to be. We're all struggling, and you think you can come back and we're just gonna let you?! They might trust you but don't expect me to" Callie growled.

Charlie nodded "I understand... but I want to help... I really do..."

Callie shook her head "sure, whatever, good luck, we're all falling apart..."

"Let me guess, something happened to Jeremy..." he sniffed "he's hurt isn't he... your mad cause it happened after I left...."

She rolled her eyes "how about you go up to his room and see for yourself. Fucking bitch." She stormed out, pulling the gun from her pocket on her way out.

Charlie took a deep breath and ran up the steps to the 3rd floor, running to the closed door at the end of the hall. He pushed it open and he stopped, understanding why Callie had been so grumpy, Jeremy was hooked up to machines, clearly unconscious.

"Oh... oh god..." he mumbled, backing up slowly and closing the door. "I shouldn't have left...." He ran downstairs, running into Another female on the way down, she pushed him away "Watch where the FUCK your going you ass! Wait- Charlie?! The fuck? God arnt you fucking dead" Connie snarled.

Charlie was taken aback "w-what- Connie are you alright?..."

She started laughing, the sound scaring the shorter male. "Alright? God I haven't been alright my entire life, and things just keep fucking falling apart! I should've left myself" she snorted "anywho~~ I have missions, bye bye Bitch"

Charlie stood in shock as the girl walked away. He spent his day, Catching up with the people that still lived there. That night he laid in bed, eyes trailing the ceiling. He new how much he had missed, and he wished he could help everyone.

He had found out what happened to the ones who have passed, Mary, as honey had said, slit her throat, afterwards Connie just snapped, and she didn't even talk to Honey anymore.

During a period of the time, they had been low on food, quite low, and Blair had literally starved. Giving Zanatha her food so that the Gypsy could survive. Supposedly No one had really noticed she was doing that until it was far too late for The wonderlandian girl. And Zanatha blamed herself and had since been acting completely different.

Jeremy had fallen into a fire, they had to keep him unconscious in order to keep him out of pain, and it truly destroyed Callie's fragile mentality.

Charlie sighed, pulled from his thoughts by a knock on the door, which creaked open and a small human sized doll glanced in "M-Mr C-Charlie... c-can I c-come sleep w-with you? Mamma and Dadda are gone on mission tonight and I-I'm having nightmares..."

Charlie sat up, smiling slightly, "Of course Matilda, cmon kiddo"

Charlie fell asleep, holding onto the doll, falling sleep, he felt bad that she couldn't sleep without her parents, so he was glad to help.

(I don't know what this was but here, take it I guess)

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