The House On A Hill

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(Re-write UwU OwO, the old one was crindgy af so i want it gone, take this instead xD)

Mia flopped down on the bed in front of her best friend, her blond hair spilling around her head. "So Missy~" she cooed to her friend, a terribly sneaky grin on her face "You know that old house up on the hill?"

The brunette blinked a few times "yeah? What're you on Mia, youve never mentioned this before" she didnt even look up from the phone tightly clutched in her hand. "What If we go" Mia squealed, bouncing up and down now that she had stood up, her gray eyes sparkling. "I think your fucking delusional" the other girl replied flatly.

"Pleaaaasee" Mia pouted. Missy looked up "what is it gonna take for you to let this go kid" she sighed. "Pack Your Bags!" Mia Smiled.

The two females left around 2 am, after an hour of walking they ended up at the haunted cabin. As soon as they walked in there was a crash as a ginger haired ventriloquist dummy flopped over the upstairs railing and hit the ground. A young girls voice yelled out "MAMMA! CONNIE! SOMEONES HERE!!"

An annoyed and sore sounding voice growled out "Then don't yell Honey" it almost sounded as if this other girls throat was damaged, but she sounded young, not as young as the last girl though. Another, older voice, that was also coming from upstairs, let out a low growl "do not call me your mother"

"Um? Hello?" Mia called out, her voice shaking a lot for someone who always said nothing scared her.

Someone quite literally jumped, over the railings on the second floor, causing Missy to scream as the figure landed on its knees. She slowly got up, her skin cracked, and her wavy blond hair was messily pulled into low pigtails. The disturbing girl almost seemed to look them up and down, she couldn't tell of course due to her blank emotionless eyes. "Missy and Mia, welcome to our little home~"

Missys body shook, she started crying, running out the door. Mia stayed still, her body unmoving. "Odd.. your not afraid" the cracked blond cooed mockingly.

"I'm not" the gray eyed female started

"A baby, that's what you where gonna say" the blond raised an eyebrow. "Mind reader I assume" Mia smirked.

"Your smart I like that" Connie snarled "my names Connie, Connie Martin"

A relatively young female skipped down the stairs, quickly grabbing the ginger dummy from earlier off the floor and clutching him to her torn body. "A-are w-we mak-making friends?" The youngest female squeaked, her high voice contrasting her friends broken sounding voice "m-my names Honey!" She smiled softly.

Mia then heard footsteps behind her, her life ending in a flash as Audrey drew her axe threw Mia's body.

Connie looked at Audrey with a scowl. "God, you take all the fun out of it, its more fun to play with them before you kill em!! " she whined childishly.

"Your mind games are useless" Audrey replied her tone flat and annoyed.

Connie sighed "Honey, Lets go play dolls till mommy and Audrey switch back" she reached for her sisters hand. Honey nodded her head enthusiastically "ok!!" She grinned, dragging Connie upstairs.

(Damn from 320 words to 600 that's so cool xD I am very proud to be honest and I love how this one turned out)

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