Chekov part 2

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"Captain, help me pick him up," you ask.

"Y/N, i do not think that is a wise decision. If you move Ensign Chekov he could die." Spock said. You burst out crying.

"I can't just let him die, Spock!" You yell agitated. "He's my boyfriend and I love him! Well technically not my boyfriend anymore, soon to be husband more like."

The Captain and Spock seemed shocked. "I've called Bones. He said him and nurse Chapel will be coming soon. Five critical patients were moved out of being critical. They are bringing a stretcher and oxygen mask. he should be fine now I guess." the captain said. You nodded and wiped your eyes. A couple minutes later, McCoy arrived.

"Good God," he whispered when he saw Pavel. He quickly got out a tricorder and scanned Pavel. "All of his ribs are broken, that would contribute to the difficulty breathing, a 4th degree concussion, a broken arm and a fractured leg. If I can get him to sickbay soon, he'll be okay."

You let out a breath. He'll be okay. Pavel will be okay.


Two weeks had passed since the explosion. Pavel still hadn't woken up. You had tried singing to him, reading or just talking. Nothing was working. Today you were going to try something different.

"Pavel Andreievich Chekov, i love you. I've loved you since we started dating 3 years ago and I loved you even more when you proposed. Now, we have a wedding to plan and you kinda need to be awake for that. Please wake up I love you more than anything please." There was nothing. You hung your head and started to cry.

"Y/N?" you heard someone whisper. You looked up and saw Pavel looking at you confused.

"Pavel," you yelled. You jumped up and kissed him. "Your awake!"

"Yeah, and thank you for doing all of those things. I remember everything from the explosion. I love you to and you and I will plan that wedding." He said. You smiled and started crying.

"I love you Pavel, I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N"

Authors note.

There you go happy ending? who should I do next?

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