Yet another one with you as Pike's daughter. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to JustALittleTrekkie for requesting one like this a while ago. It showed me my love for writing this.
"Wow, no no no no no no no no no wow." You mutter to yourself. You had just taken three pregnancy tests, and all of them were positive. You were having some mixed feelings.
"Y/N, are you okay?" You hear your dad, Christopher Pike, yell through the bathroom door.
How had he heard you? It must have been the crying. Since when were you crying?
"Yeah!" You yell back, wrapping up the tests and throwing them away.
You walk out of the bathroom, quickly so your dad won't see you crying. You go to your room and lock the door. You sob into your hands, questioning how you'd tell your boyfriend, Jim Kirk.
It's been three weeks sense you found out. You had gone to the doctor and found out you were already twelve weeks along. You were starting to show a little. You hadn't seen Jim in a month, he had too many StarFleet exams, but he was on a break for two weeks.
You would be going on a date tonight, and you would tell him. You wore a dress that was relatively tight, it actually showed the baby bump. You hadn't told you dad yet either, not until Jim new. You had to wear a sweater to cover the bump.
"Ready to go on the date?" Jim asked when he came over that night.
"Yeah!" You say, giving him a quick kiss.
The two of you went to a fancy Italian restaurant. Jim had ordered wine, which you couldn't drink. You had tried to make an excuse, but you weren't sure he bought it. You just said you weren't feeling quite well, a bad headache, but you still wanted to be on this date.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Jim asked. You were really starting to get nervous and he could tell.
"Jim, I'll tell you after we eat." You say, holding his hand.
After dinner the two of you were driving in the car. He stopped at the front of yours and your dad's apartment building. "Why aren't you okay?"
"Jim, there's no easy way to say this," you begin. He looked at you in anticipation. "I'm pregnant. It's yours."
Jim froze. His face was blank. He laid back into the car seat and stared forward. You started to cry a little, scared of his reaction.
"Are you serious?" Jim finally asked, astounded. He grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes. You nod, crying even more. "Please stop crying. Please stop crying. You're going go make me cry." Jim muttered to you, tearing up a little.
"You're not mad?" You ask, holding his hands tighter.
"No. I'm not. How far along?" Jim asked, slowly looking down at your stomach.
"Twelve weeks." You say, slowly taking off the sweater so he could see the bump.
"Wow." He muttered, amazed by how big you were already.
"My dad doesn't know yet. I wanted to tell you first." You say, grabbing his hand again. You placed his hand on your stomach.
"It's amazing. There's a little human in there that is ours." Jim muttered, still crying a little.
"I know." You say, crying again. He leaned in and kissed you.
"Do you want me to be there when you tell your dad?" Jim asked, moving away.
"No, you'll make things worse. I'll tell him tonight and I'll call you with how he takes it. Love you." You say, getting out of the car.
"Love you!" Jim yelled, smiling as big as he could.
Your dad was reading on the couch when you walked in. He barely looked up at you. "Hey dad, I need to tell you something." You say, sitting on the coffee table by him.
"What is it?" He asked, setting the book down.
"Don't get mad. Please don't get mad. I'm just going to say it. I'm pregnant." You say, looking away.
"You're what?!" You dad asked.
"You heard me." You mutter, looking down at your hands.
Suddenly, your dad hugged you. "I'm going to be a grandfather!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah. Yeah." You mutter.
"Wait, there has to be two for a baby. Who's the father?" He asked, moving away. Everyone was doing that tonight.
"Take a guess." You say, smiling.
"Jim Kirk." He said immediately. You nod.
"At least I know you love him." He muttered, hugging you again.
Things turned out alright you suppose. No big blowups over anything.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien