*Yet another one like the last two*
"Where is she?" Pavel yelled running into the sickbay. You were 8 1/2 months pregnant and still working in engineering. There was an explosion and you were injured.
"She'l be fine, Chekov. She's in a c-section write now. It was to unsafe to wait, but as far as we know the baby is fine and will be fine." A nurse explains. ""just sit down, get something ti drink and wait."
Pavel nodded, but he didn't sit. All he could do was pace. Sulu had come to the sickbay to see how he, you, and the baby were doing. Pavel explained the whole situation, which just made Sulu sit and wait. Scotty also came to see what had happened. Once again, Pavel explained.
"Pavel Chekov." A nurse said walking in. "Y/N is out of surgery and you can see her. The baby is doing fine"
Pavel raced into your room. You were sitting up in bed, feeling exhausted.
"Y/N!" he yelled racing to your side. "Oh my God! Are you okay? "
"I'll be fine. Have you seen the baby yet?" You ask. He shakes his head. "Did the nurse tell you if it was a boy or a girl?"
"No, Scotty and Hikaru want to see you." he said. You nod. He left the room, returning with Scotty and Hikaru.
"How are you? I'm sorry this happened. The explosion was my fault. I dropped a small fuel cell." Scotty explained. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright. Its not truly just your fault." You answer. He gives you a hug and pats Pavel on the shoulder.
"Good luck." he said, leaving.
Hikaru just pats your leg and walks out. "I'll leave you two alone."
When the two of you were alone, Pavel kissed you. "I hope the babies okay. I don't know why we haven't been aloud to see it yet?"
As if on a cue, a nurse walked in holding a baby. "Sorry for the wait, being early we had to amke sure he was alright."
"He?" you ask.
"Yes, its a wonderful baby boy." She said. Pavel walked over to her and took the baby. She left the room. He bounced him up and down.
"Hi" Pavel said. "I'm your daddy, this is your mother." He said walking toward you. Slowly he handed the baby to you.
"What should we call hhim?" You ask glancing at Pavel.
"How about Dylan Joseph" he suggests.
"Dylan Joseph Chekov" You say looking at your son. "I love it."
"It suits him." Pavel agreed. Your son looked exactly like his father. Same eye color and even curly hair!
One week later, you and Dylan were okayed to go home. Tonight was your first night with Pavel since you had the baby. Dylan had miraculously fallen asleep, so you and Pavel were alone. Snuggling close to him in bed, he wrapped his arm around you. You put your head in the crook of his neck and moved close.
"Love you, Y/N" he said whispering.
"Love you, Pavel."
Authors note:
Okay, last Pavel Chekov one for a while. Hope you all liked it. If anyone is wondering why I Don't write Chekov's accent is because, if your like me, you already read it in his accent.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien