Your husband has been very over protective lately. Every sense you found out you were pregnant, he would barely let you move! It drove you crazy! Yes, you understood that he loved the baby and wanted it and you to be safe. It took a lot of convincing, but he let you go to the science lab today. You were a grown women, and your husband wouldn't let you go to work. All you'd been doing is working on reports.
At the science lab, things didn't go as planned. You and your friend, Spock, were working on a new plant. It was collected on a new planet. After a while, you and Spock started to smell this strange sweet smell. There was about nine flowers in the room that you and Spock had to experiment on. Right now, you two were dissecting one.
"Y/N, can you hand me the scalpel?" Spock asked extending his hand to you. You handed him the small, sharp knife, carefully.
"Does something smell weird to you?" You ask. He looked up from the flower and said,
"Yes. Something is off."
Suddenly, you felt dizzy and light headed. Spock stood up and grabbed your arm. You started to see things in tunnel vision and you were falling.
Hikaru Sulu was walking through the hallways down to the engineering room. Communications weren't working quite well, so Captain Kirk had asked him to go down to deliver a message. He turned a corner and saw you, being half carried half dragged by Spock. Your arm was over his shoulder, is hand aroudn your waist. Spock was stumbling himself, whatever was in that flower had affected him too.
"Spock! What happened to her?" Sulu yelled rushing over. Spock told the whole story, slowly swaying back and forth. Sulu helped him carry you to the sickbay. You were a little heavier than usual, because of the baby.
Doctor McCoy saw you and then Spock. He rushed over and ordered Sulu to put you on a bed. He did the same to Spock, who was starting to get pretty sluggish.
After a thorough exam, McCoy told Sulu you were going to be okay. So was the baby. The flowers had a substance in them that made you sick and unconscious. It wore off after about three hours.
You slowly opened your eyes to see Hikaru standing beside your bed, worried.
"I told you if you worked some thing bad will happen." He said, crossing his arms.
"It's not my fault. It's not Spock's fault. It just a stupid flower." You say, sitting up. It was actually getting difficult because of your growing stomach. Maybe Hikaru had a point.
"I suppose. I'm sorry I've been kinda protective." He said, hugging you.
"Not your fault. Your just worried." You answer hugging him back.
"You can be released in a day." He said when you pulled apart. "And your staying in bed!"
"Yeah, okay." You say rolling your eyes.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien