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"C'mon Y/N, it's easy! Just repeat after me. хелло" Pavel said.

"хелло," you answer slowly. "What does that mean again?"

"It means hello." he answered. "Okay, try this. я любовь вы"

"Pavel, I have no idea what that means." you say shocked.

"It means, 'I love you'" He said biting his lip.,

I need to say something back. In Russian will probably be best. You thought.

"я любовь вы, слишком," You say back, looking down at your PADD.

"I'm glad you love me too," Pavel said grinning. "хотеть для поцелуй?"

"Gladly," you answer. He leans in and kisses you.

"Can we finish speaking Russian for a while?" You ask when the two to you finish. He nods and kisses you again.

Authors note:

хотеть для поцелуй means 'want to kiss?' The next one is Kirk. The Russian was from Google Translate. я любовь вы, слишком means: I love you too. Sorry this was short.

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