You got an alert from Doctor McCoy to come to sickbay immediately. He said it was urgent. You ran as fast as you could to the sickbay to see what was going on.
When you entered, you saw your husband, Jim Kirk, unconscious on a table.
"Doctor McCoy, what happened to him!" You ask running over to him.
"He was offshore on a planet, he drank a drink, after they beamed aboard, he passed out. It's not alcohol poisoning or anything like that. It was some chemical in the drink. Ensign Chekov and Commander Spock are here to from the same drink." He explained.
"Can you cure it?" You asked, but you already knew the answer. He would have cured it already. McCoy shook his head.
"We need to get the cure from the locals on the planet. According to a couple female officers on the away team, they don't truly like men. Those women drank the exact same drink, only without the poison. It's kinda like America at the end of the 19th century only the other way around. Women have rights and men don't." He explained again. You nodded.
"Can I beam down and try to get the antidote?" You ask, looking over at Jim. He was getting worse, much worse.
"It's risky, but you can try." McCoy said. " Don't go alone. Jim did briefly wake up and he told me not to let you do anything stupid, like getting an antidote alone. He said if you have to bring Lt. Uhura or someone else."
You nod and kiss Jim's cheek. "I'll get you better soon,'' you whisper.
Doctor McCoy had called Lt. Uhura and she agreed to go. You met her in the transport room about ten minutes later. The two of you beamed down. Locals greeted you when you landed. Immediately you asked for a cure to the poison.
"Please, you poisoned my husband and my friends. We just want the antidote and then we will be on our way." You explained. "You also poisoned her boyfriend." You said, motioning to Uhura.
"As Y/N said, we only want the antidote. Then our ship will leave your star system and we won't come back." Uhura tried.
"Alright," one of the locals said. "We will give you the antidote, on one condition. You leave our system and make sure none off your kind return. Especially the Vulcan one."
"Agreed, now please give us the antidote." You said. A local gave you and Uhura a plant.
"Enterprise, ready to beam aboard." Uhura said into a communicator. The transport room was in your view. Doctor McCoy was standing waiting for the antidote.
"Did you get it?" He asked. You both nod and hand him the plants. "Let's get down there fast, they are much worse, Especially Chekov. His body is smaller than Jim or spock's ."
When you walked into the sickbay, they were much worse. Doctor McCoy was right, Chekov was way worse than before. You went over to Jim's side and sat down holding his hand. McCoy was making the antidote as fast as he could. It only took twenty minutes, but they became much worse.
"Y/N, can you help me real quick?" Doctor McCoy asked. He motioned for you to come over to Chekov.
"What do you want me to do?" You ask him. He grabs Chekov's arm and rolls up the sleeve.
"Put your finger here." He said taking your hand and moving it to chekov's arm. "I need to have someone to hold the needle. With this particular antidote in needs to be warm before it is administered. That's what your fingers will do. It heats up in a fraction of a second, but it cools in a fraction of a second."
Second's after administering the antidote, Chekov woke up.
"Y/N? Doctor McCoy? What happened." He asked.
"I'll tell you later, Ensign, but I need to administer the antidote to the Captain and Spock." McCoy said. You two did Spock next. He had then same questions only he was more agree able.
Next was Jim.When he woke up it was much worse than the two before. He had trillions of questions. it drove Doctor McCoy to the point where he would have injected him with something, if you didn't stand in the way.
"Hey, Y/N? Did you get the cure?" He asked you. You nod. "Come here real quick."
You walked over to him. He kissed you, for a long time. So long that Doctor McCoy walked in, checked Jim's vitals on the monitor, and left.
"Wow," McCoy thought. "Those two really love each other."
Authors note:
This one got kinda long. There wasn't much romance between Kirk and Y/N until the end. Next one, Sulu! That should be a little harder, i'm not that could at Sulu ones.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien