"Why is he so tiny?" Your son, Jayden, asked. He was seeing his new baby brother for the first time. You were asleep, so your husband, Jim, was in charge of showing Jayden the new baby.
"Because he's new and he was just born." Jim answered, picking Jayden up so he could see better. Earth hospitals were much different than having a baby on a ship. On Earth, they have a nursery where all the babies are after a certain time.
"Why can't we hold him?" Jayden asked, putting his forehead on the glass to get a closer look.
"He's sleeping. We need to let your brother sleep." Jim explained, trying to get Jayden to move his head off of the glass.
"What's his name? Why is his hair dark? Why are his fingers and toes so red?" Jayden said, running out of breath.
"His name is Lucas. His hair should lighten up over time, he's still just newborn remember. His fingers and toes are so tiny, that's why they're red." Jim answered, picking up Jayden to keep him off the glass.
"When can we hold him?" Jayden asked, looking sadly up at Jim. The poor kid really wanted to hold his brother.
"Soon. Let's wait till mommy wakes up." Jim answered, walking back to your room.
A couple hours later, you woke up. Jim and Jayden were watching some cartoon that looked like it was from 1990. A nurse had said that she would bring Lucas in the room at 4:00 P.M. It was now 3:50 P.M.
"Hey, your awake." Jim said, noticing you watch them.
"Mommy!" Jayden yelled, squirming out of Jim's arms. He gave you a big hug. "We saw Lucas! He was very very small and red. He has dark hair, but daddy said that might change. Can we see him mommy, please please!" Jayden pleaded.
"A nurse told me before I went to sleep that she'd bring Lucas in at 4:00. It's just a few minutes." You say, giving Jayden a hug.
"You know, Jayden, you were that size once." Jim said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I was that small?" Jayden asked, astounded.
You and Jim nod. A nurse walked in. She had a cart with a clear basket on top. The basket was strapped to the cart, and it was filled with blankets. You smiled and reached into the basket.
Lucas was truly as small as Jim and Jayden had said. He had to be born from c-section. It was a little more complicated than it was supposed to be, so you didn't get to see him until now.
"The breathing and heart issues had resolved them self for now, but he should stay here for a couple weeks." The nurse informed before leaving.
"Jim, he is tiny." You mutter, holding Lucas close to you.
"Was I really that tiny?" Jayden asked again, still shocked.
"Okay, maybe not that small, but pretty small." Jim said, laying down next to you.
"He's great." He muttered in your ear. Jim kissed your cheek and Jayden followed.
"Can we teach him how to play sports?" Jayden asked, jumping up from excitement.
"Sure. He just needs to be bigger before that." You answer, looking down at Lucas' small face.
Lucas had wrapped his tiny fingers around one of yours. His eyes were the exact same color as Jim's, a piercing light blue. Your family was complete.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien