You woke up in the morning and saw that your husband, Leonard, was still in bed. He shouldn't be, his shift started a half an hour ago.
"Leonard," you say, shaking him awake.
"Huh? What?" He said, waking up.
"You're late for work! Get up!" You shout.
"What?" He screamed, obviously confused. He quickly sat up, but groaned and laid back down.
"Are you okay?" You ask, seeing his far twist with pain.
"I'm fine, my side is just really painful." He said, getting out of bed. You stood up as well, and stopped him. You put your hand on his forehead, it was hot.
"I think you have a fever, sit down." You say, going to the bathroom to get a med kit. Leonard refused to put the thermometer in his mouth, you had to force it into him as if he was a child. When it was finished, the thermometer showed that he had a temp of 101.
"Y/N, in fine. This is pointless." He said. "I'm going to work."
"No, you're not. You're staying here and that's final." You say, trying to act stern. It seemed to be working.
"Fine, but just today. And just because my side is sore and I have a fever." Leonard agreed, going back to bed. He winced every time he moved.
You went back into the bathroom to shower and get ready to go to the sickbay. When you finished, you quietly walked out of the bathroom, so you wouldn't wake Leonard.
That evening, when you went back to your quarters, Leonard was still asleep. Slowly, you shook him awake. He moaned a painful moan and rolled over to face you.
"Why must you wake me?" He asked, squinting at you.
"I'm sorry, I just want to know how you are doing." You say, raising your hands as a surrender.
"My side is worse. I think I should go to sickbay, can you help me? I don't think I can stand." Leonard muttered.
"Of course." You answer helping him stand. He leaned a lot of his weight on you, making him quite heavy.
Sluggishly and carefully, the two of you walked to the sickbay. He winced with every step, his hand trying to move to his right side. There was still a long way to walk to the sickbay and you were ready to call someone for help, when Spock walked past.
"Y/N, do you need assistance carrying Doctor McCoy?" He asked.
"No Spock, I don't need help." You reply sarcastically.
"Alright.'' He said starting to walk away.
"No Spock wait, I do need help." You say, stopping him. "I was just being sarcastic."
"Alright. That will he the death of the human race, being sarcastic at the wrong time." Spock muttered under his breath, as he took Leonard's other side.
The sickbay wasn't busy. You should've known, you'd worked here all day.
"Thanks Spock, I got it from here." You say, helping Leonard a chair. Spock nodded and walked out of the room.
You signed Leonard in and sat next to him. A couple minutes later, a nurse walked in. She led you and Leonard to one of rooms. Leonard laid down on the hospital bed to be scanned.
"It looks like appendicitis." The nurse said. "He'll need surgery in the morning. He also needs to stay here tonight. You can stay as long as you want." She added, before leaving the room.
"Y/N, can you get my PADD from our room?" He asked, trying to get comfortable. "Sure, I'll be back. I'll also tell the captain you won't be at work and you won't be able to annoy him for a couple days."
"Alright." He answered, rolling his eyes.
You kissed his cheek and left. At least you now knew what was wrong with him and that he'd be okay.
Sorry I haven't been updating lately very much. It was my birthday a few days ago and I got a phone, so I've been messing around with that. Hope all of you enjoyed this! Next is Chekov.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien