"Ready to go, Y/N?" Your boyfriend, Jim, asked you.
In order to pass a class in StarFleet, you have to be able to shoot a phaser. You've never shot a phaser or anything like that before. Your aim was horrible and you needed practice. Jim said he'd help you practice.
"Yeah. How did you learn how to shoot?" You ask, walking out the door. Jim followed, locking the apartment behind him.
"My brother, Sam, taught me before he left. I was pretty young, but he wanted me to learn. My step dad certainly wouldn't teach me. I would sneak away every so often to practice." Jim answered, walking next to you in the sidewalk. He had the gun in a case that slung over his chest.
"My parents never wanted me to learn unless l had to. Now that I have to, I need to learn." You say, taking his hand. The neighborhood the two of you lived in wasn't the safest, so holding his hand made you feel safer. Unsafe neighborhood was another reason to learn how to shoot. But hey, the apartments were affordable.
The shooting range wasn't busy. You had to stand between these two walls, looking down a long corridor. They stood behind a wall about four feet tall. Safety glasses were sitting loosely on your face, Jim standing behind you. A white and black target hung from the ceiling.
"Okay, all you do is put the phaser on stun, aim looking over the top, be sure to aim a little higher than where you want to blast to hit, and pull the trigger." Jim instructed from behind you. He was also wearing safety glasses, that for some reason made him look handsome.
You flipped the switch to set the phaser on stun. Doing as Jim had instructed, you aimed and pulled the trigger. The phaser automatically shut off after three seconds of firing. They are made to do that when on stun.
A small hole appeared in the target on the far left side. You were aiming there, but that's why you needed practice. "Jim?" you ask, looking behind you. "What did I do wrong? I aimed at the center, and it was on the left."
"You went holding it right. Here, let me help." Jim said, putting his arms around you. His hands were over yours, helping you keep the gun steady. You were pressed up against him.
"All you do, is hold it steady. Put one finger along the barrel to keep the phaser steady on the sides. Mad you noticed, it doesn't kick back like really old models of guns." Jim explained, helping you steady the gun. "Fire when ready." He said, keeping his arms around you.
After you were sure you were aiming at the center, you pulled the trigger again. The phaser blast hit the target in the center.
"Perfect!" Jim exclaimed, hugging you. "Now keep practicing."
"Thanks! And yes sir! I won't let you down!" You yell jokingly. You aim the gun the way he showed you and hit the target on the center. Jim was standing behind you, watching you. His smile getting bigger every time you shot the center.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien