"Alright losers, you are going down." You yell at the opposing team. You were putting on black face paint lines under your eyes. Your friend, Chekov, was in your team. Along with Sulu and Kirk.
Spock even had put on a little paint. The opposing team had Spock, McCoy, Uhura, and Scotty. The game you were going to play is dodgeball.
"I'm not so sure about that, Y/N!" McCoy yelled back. "We should all probably hide away. If Y/N throwing again we are in trouble. Remember what she did to Chekov while playing volleyball? Cover your faces!"
Everyone one covered their faces and cowered. Spock just stood around confused. "Alright! Huddle up!" Kirk yelled. All of your stood together for a pep talk.
"Let's play!" McCoy yelled, clapping his hands together. The game began and dodge balls were flying ever where. Chekov must have practiced things being thrown at him. He dodged every single ball.
Kirk threw a ball at Spock, hitting him in the face. Spock just stood up completely straight and walked over to the side. He looked very confused.
McCoy threw one fast and hard at Chekov. It hit him square in the face, causing him to cry out in pain. He grabbed his face and laid on the ground. "Time out!" You call, going over to him.
"Every time. Every time. Every time." Chekov kept muttering.
"Are you okay?" You ask him. McCoy was walking over to check on him.
"My nose is in pain." He muttered. "Why does this always happen to me."
"I don't know. I'm sorry kid. Why don't you sit out, I got you out anyway." McCoy said, examining Chekov's face. "Your nose is broken. I'll set it at the Enterprise."
"Okay," Chekov muttered walking over by Spock, who was actually looking genuinely concerned.
"Let's get back to playing!" Uhura yelled, going back over the court line. The teams were still even, for now.
You threw a blue ball, hitting Uhura in the leg. She walked over to the edge and sat by Spock, yelling encouragement at McCoy. He threw a ball at you, but you dodged. He threw another one, only this one hit your shoulder. When the ball hit your shoulder, it bounced off and Sulu tried to catch it. It slipped through his fingers. It was Kirk and McCoy now.
It was a tough game that went on for a long time. Kirk ended up hitting McCoy in the chest, making Kirk win. Chekov, Sulu, and you ran over to Kirk yelling.
"Told you you would go down!" You yell at the other team. Your team was yelling and laughing with joy. The truth is, this whole game was over a bet. The losing team had to switch jobs for a day. As long as nothing went wrong of course. McCoy now did Uhura's, Spock did McCoy's, and Uhura did Spock's.
"Great game, Kirk." You tell him.
"Thanks." He replied, before kissing you. This has never happened. The two of you were dating, but never kissed before. You liked taking things slow.
Shocked you pulled away. "What?" He asked. "Oh wait right, sorry." He apologized.
"It's alright." You say, pulling into a kiss again, not caring about people looking or watching.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien