Okay, the cover voting for the second book is over. It was VERY close. 11 to 10. The first one had the most votes. Sorry people that liked the second one. That was my personal favorite, but I also liked the first one a lot.
Away mission can be incredible. But, that rarely happened. Someone was always kidnapped, injured, missing, dead, or all of the above.
Today's lucky pick was kidnapped and injured. You, Spock, Kirk, and Chekov were being held in separate cells. Kirk was across from you, Spock to your right, Chekov to your left.
"So, what now." Kirk said, sitting on the bed in his cell.
"It appears we need a plan to escape." Spock said, folding his hands in his lap.
"You don't say." Kirk said back sarcastically. Nine of your captors returned. Two of them grabbed Spock and dragged him down the hall. Spock resisted, but not to the point he was struggling.
The other guards took you and Chekov. They threw you into Kirk's cell. One of the guards winked at you, but you just stood up and punched him. Before the guard could punch you back, Kirk grabbed you and moved you out of the way. The guard angrily walked out, slamming the cell door.
"Why would they put us in separate cells and then put us in one?" Chekov asked, looking out through the bars. It was a relatively small cell, but four people could lay down in it.
"I don't know. Maybe they just didn't know what to do with us." You answer. Kirk had stood up and looked out the bars into the hallway.
A few minutes of silence passed before Kirk spoke. "Spock." He muttered, moving away from the door. Your captors dragged Spock into the cell. They dropped him on the ground, his body limp.
"Spock," you whisper, crawling towards him once the guards disappear. "Spock, wake up."
"Where is Bones when you need him," Kirk grumbled. "He's always there when you don't want him, ready to hypo you, yet when we really need him, he's gone."
"I've spent a good amount of time in the sickbay from burns when I was working in engineering, I've learned a few things." Chekov said, looking at various wounds on Spock.
Spock had cuts and bruises all over his body. The worst one was a deep cut over his temple, oozing green blood. He had multiple other cuts that were bleeding, a dark bruise was forming on his neck. Whatever they did, it looked painful.
"I wish I had supplies for stitches." Chekov muttered to himself.
"Why did you do this too him?" Kirk yelled at a passing guard. The guard unlocked the door and pulled Kirk into the hallway.
The guard punched Kirk in the face. Kirk fell to the ground and kicked out. He hit the guard in the shin and stood up. The guard punched Kirk in the neck, causing him to fall into the ground, coughing and gasping.
The guard took Kirks shirt and pulled him up. He started punching him over and over. Kirks nose was bleeding, blood was getting everywhere. The guard let him go and dragged him into the cell. He set him down by Spock and left.
You and Chekov were stunned. Kirk lay on the floor at your feet, coughing up blood. You crawled over to him and helped him lay on his side.
Chekov finished with Spock before going over to Kirk. He made you go watch Spock while he worked.
"Y/N," Spock muttered. "What happened?"
"Spock! You were beat up, pretty bad. So was the captain." You explain, helping Spock sit up. He looked over at Kirk and instantly tried to move over.
The second he moved, his face twisted with pain. "That is a very painful thing to do." He muttered, sitting back.
"Hopefully the Enterprise funds us soon. The captain doesn't have long without any real medical treatment. There's only so much I can do without bandages." Chekov said. "I can hold him on his side like this. It'll help with bleeding."
"Do what you can." Spock said, concern over his face.
Just as your captors returned, the beam of the transporter surrounded everyone. You and Chekov gasped, happiness spreading through you.
"Okay, so start talkin-" Scotty started before freezing. "Mr. Scott to sickbay, get a some doctors here now, it's the captain and Spock."
Chekov laid Kirk back down on his back. Doctor McCoy came with some nurses and a stretcher. They immediately started scanning Kirk and moved him on ten stretcher. One doctor helped Spock stand to walk to sickbay.
A couple days have passed. Spock was just fine. Kirk was getting better, but he still had to be in sickbay.
"How are you feeling?" You ask Spock, walking into his quarters.
"There is a little pain, but it isn't bad." Spock answered. The cut on his temple had stitches in it currently. You lightly kissed the side of his head on the stitches.
"Kiss it and make it better." You mutter.
"Is that an Earth metaphor?" Spock asked.
"Yeah. I guess." You say, kissing him again.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien