"No dad, no one came over tonight." You say lying. The truth is, your boyfriend, Pavel, was hiding in the closet.
"I heard you talking to a boy." He said.
"It was a video chat." You say, trying to convince him. Apparently it did.
"Alright, good night." He said kissing your head.
"Goodnight." You say. Two minutes after your father leaves, you open your closet door.
"C'mon, hurry. You have to go out the window." You say quietly. He nods and slowly moves toward the window. You were on the second floor, but there was a tree outside your window. "Careful. Love you." You say kissing him.
"I love you too." He answered kissing you. Slowly and quickly he got out of your room and into the tree. Probably too fast. Pavel slipped and landed on his foot, hard.
"Pavel," you whisper as loud as you could. "Are you okay?"
He shakes his head, but stands up. There was a large stick next to him, so he used that as support and limped away.
The next day, Pavel wasn't at the academy. This worried you because of last night. You decided to go to his quarters. You found him still in bed, his ankle elevated. It looked like someone had placed two golf balls next to his ankle.
"Pavel, Pavel. Wake up." You say shaking him slightly. Slowly, he stirred.
"Y/N?" He asks.
"Yes, I'm going to help you to sickbay okay? Your ankle looks terrible." You say putting his arm over your shoulder. He sat up and leaned some of his weight on you.
Walking was extremely difficult. He was obviously getting tired. When you finally got to sickbay, nurses helped you with him. They placed Pavel on a bed and made him lay back. A doctor walked in.
"I'm doctor McCoy. Can you tell me how this happened?" McCoy asked.
"Umm.." Pavel started to say. He was blushing. " I was at her house. We were kissing. Her dad came home and I hid in the closet. When he left, i climbed out of the window. It was the second floor and I fell, hard." He said biting his lip.
McCoy burst out laughing. "Oh, don't be ashamed. I did things like that when I was your age. Well, any way, your ankle is sprained. Rest it for a while."
"Okay." Pavel said, looking almost relived.
"I'll get you some crutches." He said leaving. You and Pavel started laughing.
"Try not to get injured next time you climb out of my window." You joke.
"Next time."
"Yes next time." You say kissing him.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien