"You know Leonard, I kinda like sneaking around." You say to your boyfriend Leonard McCoy. You were Jim Kirk's twin sister and he was very protective of you.
"I do too. It gives a sense of danger and what we are doing is wrong, but it's not." Leonard said, kissing you lightly on the cheek.
"Were you assigned a ship to work on yet?" You ask, pulling away.
"Yes, were you?" Leonard stated, glancing into your eyes.
"Yeah, how about we both say it on the count of three. One two three." You say before you both said,
"Wow, just wow. We get to work together!" You shout, jumping onto him, causing him to fall onto the couch.
"How about we don't hurt me right now." Leonard suggested, adjusting himself into a more comfortable position.
"Right, sorry." You mutter, moving just enough so you were still in his arms, but not on top of him.
"We'll work in the same place too. I'm a nurse, and you a doctor." You say.
"It'll be romantic." Leonard joked, kissing you again.
It was the start of the mission. You and Leonard had snuck Jim on as a patient.
"I really hate you two right now." He muttered, shaking and covered in sweat. Not so much of a ladies man now, is he.
"You not supposed to like us. I'm your friend and she's your sister. We're your enemy's." Leonard points out.
"The sister thing I get, she's a nightmare." Jim muttered, looking back at you.
"Hey, your not so much better yourself. Don't make me hypo you, I have that power." You threaten, reaching into your bag. Jim's eyes widened.
"No! No hypos, no please. No more than I have to." Jim muttered, staring at the hand in your bag. You roll your eyes and put your hands up in the air to show him you didn't have a hypo.
"Him and his fear of hypos." You mutter to Leonard.
"It will be his downfall." Leonard added. "I can see it now, 'Here lies Jim Kirk. The man died from his fear of hypos. What a shame he could suck it up.'"
"I can still here you two." Jim mumbled, starting to curl up into a ball. "Since when were you two so friendly anyway?"
"Oh, we've had time to talk in school." You answer. "Now go to sleep. We've got a long ride up to the ship and your very sick." You say, ruffling his hair.
"Fine, but don't touch my hair." Jim muttered, before falling asleep.
It has been six months since the beginning. There was some complications, some good, some bad. Leonard had gotten promoted to chief medical officer, but not before the other chief died.
Jim was now captain. Once again, there was a downfall to that. There were many other problems, but one big one to you is that you still hadn't told Jim about dating Leonard. Every time you were going to, he was just so stressed and you couldn't add this. Today though, you were just going to go up to the bridge and tell him, in front of everybody.
Nervously, you stepped into the turbo lift and went to the bridge. Jim was sitting in his chair, as usual, and everyone was in their normal spots.
"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" Jim asked when he saw you. "It's been boring here today so what's happening?"
"No talking, just listen. I've been dating Leonard McCoy for the past year. I'm sorry I've never told you before I've just never had a good time. I'm truly sorry, please don't hurt him. You know him well and know he won't hurt me. I'm going to leave before you say anything." You blurt out before calmly walking out the door back to the turbo lift.
The bridge crew stared at Jim, waiting to see what he'd do. All he did was sit there, his mouth open and his eyes confused. A couple minutes past and he didn't say anything.
"Captain. Captain." Spock said, trying to get him out of his trance. "Captain, I wise and logical thing to do at this would to be talk to Doctor McCoy. Captain. Captain."
Jim still hadn't moved. A couple more minutes past and nothing. Chekov even tried shaking him, but nothing worked.
Eventually, Jim turned the chair and closed his mouth. He looked straight forward, a stone look on his face. Suddenly, he gasped and his eyes widened. He jumped up form the chair and ran into the turbo lift yelling, "Spock, take the con."
"I guess the information has now set in the Captains brain. Humans and there ways of processing information has always baffled me." Spock muttered as he walked over to the Captain's chair.
"Bones, we need to talk." Jim said angrily as he grabbed Leonard's shirt and dragged him over to a room. "Why didn't you tell me you were dating my sister!"
"She wanted to be the one to tell you and obviously she did." Leonard answered, trying to stay calm. He had to admit, having an angry Jim Kirk mad at him was intimidating.
"Okay, I'm not that mad. I trust you won't hurt her. And if you do, I know where to find you. And I will find you. And hurt you. Very very badly. Understood." Jim said, turning into a commanding mode.
"Understood." Leonard said, saluting as a joke.
"Now, get back to work." Jim commanded before leaving. Leonard could swear, if Jim had a cape, he would have moved it around himself as he walked away like Dracula disappearing. He even made the right hand motions.
"So, how did it go with Jim?" You ask Leonard that night.
"It was alright. He didn't blow up like I thought he would." Leonard answered, taking a grape from the bowl on the table.
"We don't know he didn't blow up. Maybe he will tonight. He's usually calm at first, but then he snaps. It's pretty funny." You laugh, taking a grape.
That night, you and Leonard were summoned to the sickbay. As you arrived, you saw your brother on a bed, his hands all bloody and his foot swollen.
"What did you do now?" You ask, putting your hands on your hip like a mother.
"I kinda freaked out about you and Bones." Jim said looking down.
You looked over at Leonard and said, "this is why I'm a nurse. I always had to help him as a kid when he did stupid stuff like this. What did you do, shove all the stuff off your desk and something fell on your foot and you bike a vase?"
"Maybe." Jim muttered looking away. You just rolled your eyes and sighed, before helping him.
"I'm okay with it you know." Jim suddenly said, breaking the silence.
"Okay with what?" You ask, wrapping his left hand.
"You and Bones, dating. I'm alright with it. I just blew up and now I'm okay. It's alright. I'm good." Jim muttered over and over again. "I'm good. I'm okay with it."
"Glad your okay with it." You say. "Although, I still probably have dated him even if you weren't okay with it."
"Yeah yeah. I know." Jim said sarcastically.
The next day you and Leonard had off. All you did that day was hang out in his room and watch movies and talk. And kiss. Lots of kissing.
Requested by Superwholock0799
This one got a bit long, it's the longest one I've written ever. 1,263 Words. I hope you liked it! 😀

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien