You hated having to stay up late and get up early. It made you exhausted. Today, and the past week has been those days.
You walked onto the observation deck. Your boyfriend, Jim, was sitting on a couch. McCoy, Spock, Sulu, Uhura, and Scotty were all sitting in chairs and couches opposite of Jim. When you walked in, Jim looked up.
"Hey, Y/N! How are you?" He asked, but you just sat next to him and cuddled close. You instantly fell asleep on his chest. Jim just slowly put his arms around you and held you tighter.
"Want the blanket?" McCoy asked, holding up a blanket from a basket. Jim nodded and held out his hand. He put the blanket around you and everyone went back to talking.
That night, Jim never went back to his quarters. He just slowly pulled himself and you into more of laying position. You stirred and woke up a little, but just let yourself fall asleep in his arms.
In the morning, McCoy found you two. You and Jim were both laying close on the couch, the blanket loosely over the you two. His chin was resting on the top of your head. Jim's arms were wrapped around your waist, your legs entwined.
Awkwardly, McCoy shook you and Jim. "Uh... It's time for work. Get up." He said, continuing to shake you. Slowly, you and Jim groaned and woke up.
"Bones, why are you here." Jim said as more of a statement than a question.
"As I said, it's time for work. Get up. Spock's captain right now," McCoy said, trying to get Jim to wake up. You weren't budging. "Fine, I guess I'll just go get a hypo-"
Jim shot up and ran out the door. You fell onto the ground and just laid there. Sluggishly you started to get up and walk to your quarters to get ready. You were still very tired.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien