Seventeen years had passed. You now had a seventeen year old daughter. A fourteen year old boy. A thirteen year old girl. And a ten year old boy. Your seventeen year old, whom the two of you named Alexis, was just broken up with by her boyfriend.
This happened while your family was visiting your dad, Christopher Pike. He vowed the day he found out you were pregnant that he would protect that girl. He kept that promise.
"Alexis?" He asked, sitting next to her on the couch. She was crying a lot, while your thirteen year old comforted her. Your husband Jim, and your two boys, Joey and Oliver, were making a plan on how to get this boy. Oliver was fourteen and Joey was ten.
"Yeah?" Alexis asked Pike, slowly looking up.
"That boy is going down. What did you say his name was?" Pike said, looking sternly at her, but his tone was soft.
"Jason." She muttered, starting to cry more.
"We need to find a way to get this guy." Jim said, glancing at Pike as he walked over.
"Dad," Oliver said, stopping Jim from repeating the same sentence. "I have a plan. I hear things at school. Jason is going on a date tonight with another girl at the movies. If we hurry, we can get there in time. Let's get going, I'll explain the rest of my plan in the car."
All the men left, leaving you with your daughters.
Jim drove up by the movie theater. Oliver and Joey got out and ran inside. They found Jason easily and walked up to him.
"Sir," Joey said politely. "Do you have a four quarters? I have a dollar, but I need change."
"No, sorry." Jason said, rolling his eyes at Joey. How could Alexis date this jerk Oliver thought from his hiding place.
"Do you have any miss?" Joey asked the girl Jason was with.
"Maybe, just give me a second to look." She answered, digging in her purse.
"Don't give the little kid the money. He's a brat." Jason whispered into the girls ear.
"I-I'm sorry for bugging you. I'll just go." Joey said, starting to get nervous.
"Yeah, go bug off." Jason insisted, pushing Joey lightly. Joey ran away, pretending to cry.
"Jason what's wrong with you!" The girl screamed. Oliver had ran out of his spot to go to 'comfort' Joey. The girl had stomped on Jason's foot, yelled 'We're threw!' And then ran over to Joey.
"Hey, I'm sorry for him." She apologized. "Here's your quarters." She said, handing him the money.
"I don't need it. That was just a set up to get back at Jason. He broke our sisters heart and we needed to get him back." Joey explained. The girl nodded.
"He's horrible. I can't believe I ever agreed to go on a date with him." She said, rolling her eyes and sighing. "Thank you for showing me his true colors. I'll see you boys later."
Meanwhile, Jason had left the theater only to run into Jim and Pike.
"So, that girl broke up with you?" Jim asked mockingly.
"What are you doing here Kirk!" He asked, very rudely.
"Making you miserable. You crushed my daughter and I sent my sons there to get back at you. And now I'm here to talk to you. That girl that just rejected you, was one of Alexis' friends. She didn't know about this plan, but we told her to just react normally. I think she did okay, what about you?" Jim said, his arms crossed.
"Who's that guy?" Jason asked, pointing at Pike.
"I'm Alexis' grandfather. I've never met you, but you know what, I'm glad I haven't until now. Now I get the pleasure of making you angry. It's very nice. Unlike you." Pike said. "I know your game kid. You make girls fall completely in love with you before breaking their hearts."
"That's not true." Jason defended.
"You know, I think it is." Jim said as him and Pike stepped aside. Behind them in the dark and behind cars hid all of Jason's ex-girlfriends. "We'll let you girls finish." Jim said, walking away as Oliver and Joey stepped out. The four of them drove off just as the girls started yelling at him.
Alexis laughed at the story. She couldn't wait to back to school and hear what happened.
Inspiration commented by Clieo_Whiteshadow
It wasn't a request, but you gave the idea. Thank you.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien