Your daughter started running down the hallway to the transporter room. She was two years old and very adorable. She couldn't quite run yet, so she sorta jogged in a cute way. Her hair was a curly blonde and sea green eyes. The two of you named her Alana, because it was pretty.
You chased after her so she didn't get to him. He could be injured and you don't want her to bug him or jump on him. Thankfully, you caught her before going to the transporter room. You couldn't run to fast for the fact you were going to have another baby, and Pavel didn't know yet. He had been gone for three months on a research mission, causing you to be here with your daughter, who complained all the time about missing her daddy.
Just as you reached the transporter room, Pavel walked out. "Daddy!" You daughter screamed, kicking you to get away. You set her down and let her go. Pavel picked her up and grinned. He said a few things before his face growing stern. He told Alana to apologize to you for kicking. She did.
"How are you?" Pavel asked, carrying Alana as the two do you walked to your quarters. You were carrying one of his bags because Alana insisted that her daddy carry her.
"I'm good. How was the mission?" You ask, opening the door to the quarters.
"Great! We got all the information we needed." Pavel answered, setting Alana down, who just ran to get something she made as a present for Pavel.
"That's great. Say, there's something I need to tell you. How would you feel about having another kid?" You say, looking down at your hands.
"I.. Are you? Seriously? I'm... Wow!" Pavel exclaimed, laughing really loud. He was laughing and smiling until he started coughing.
"You okay?" You ask, grinning at him.
"I'm great. Just great. Everything is Fantastic!" He yelled.
"You just found out your going to be a father again, and you quote Doctor Who." You state sarcastically. Alana returned with a picture frame she made, with your help of course. You also helped her find a picture to put in it.
"Why is daddy so happy?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Because, you are going to be a big sister." Pavel answered, pulling you up onto his lap. "What do you have there?"
"I picture frame for you." She said, handing him the frame.
"Thank you Alana, I love it!" Pavel said, kissing her forehead.
"What does a 'big sister' mean?" She asked, glancing over at you two.
"It's means, that I'm going to gave another baby. And your going to have a little brother or sister." You answer her, moving some of her curly hair out of her face.
"Why." She simply stated. It wasn't a question, just a sarcastic quote.
"Because, mommy and I loved you so much, that we wanted another one. So that we'd have two to love a lot." Pavel answered, hugging Alana close. She giggled and hugged him back. Pavel put his arm around you and held the two of you close.
"My wonderful girls." He whispered, starting to cry a little.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien