"Y/N, we need to be on the transporter room in five minutes," Spock said, warning you about the time. Spock was taking you off shore on a date. The planet is supposed to be gorgeous.
"Thank you Spock, I'll be out in a minute." You say putting an earring on your ear. You walk out of the bathroom and grab your favorite necklace. You couldn't get the back of it to put it on.
"Here, let me. It isn't right for you to struggle over something so small," Spock said, grabbing end of the necklace. You move your hair for him to screw it together.
"We should go so we aren't late." You say walking out the door. Spock followed, proud of your enthusiasm.
The planet was gorgeous. Light green skies were beautiful. Where you and Spock landed, there was a waterfall. You were in a small pit, with slippery wet rocks.
The Enterprise had beamed down a tub, full of food and blankets. Even a couple phasers, just in case.
"Lets sit down." Spock said opening the tuba and removing a blanket. You sat down next to him and moved close. The one thing you didn't like about the place you two landed, it it's high up.
After a few hours of talking and cuddling, the two of you decided to eat. When Spock got up and walked over to the tub, he slipped and fell.
"Spock!" You yell as he falls over the edge. It was only a 20 ft. drop and the bottom was full of water, but you didn't know how deep. You let out a sigh of relief, when he poked his head up. Slowly you climbed down.
"Y/N! Jump down! It's deep enough in the middle!" Spock shouted. You nod, scared. Trusting Spock, you jump.
The water was warm. After you landed, Spock swam over to you and helped you up.
"Y/N, are you alright?" He asks. You nod and spit out water.
"I'm fine Spock, how about you?" You say panting.
"I'm alright, let go to the side. The water is about 4'8" deep. We can stand there." He suggests. You nod and follow him.
When the two of you could stand again, you wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands went sprung your waist. Both of you half underwater and your faces were dripping wet. He leaned in and kissed you.
"The Enterprise will beam us up within 3 hours, if we don't respond to a check. Until then, we are stuck here" he said when you pulled apart. "But that's okay. I'm here with you." He whispered kissing you again.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien