You hated everything about this planet. The wind, the snow, the temperature, everything. The one good thing is that you have your boyfriend Pavel Chekov, and a blanket.
"Are you cold?" Pavel asked, shouting over the wind and snow. He had his arms wrapped around himself, shivering. You were in the same position.
"No, I'm fine. I just like shivering." You yell back, sarcastically. Pavel walked over to you and took out a blanket. The two of you walked over, slowly and painfully, to a wall.
The two of you cuddled close next to the wall, the blanket wrapped around you. It wasn't enough. Both of you were still shivering. You moved closer so your head was on his chest. Both of you curled up and put the blanket over you.
The heat drastically changed. It suddenly become a lot warmer. You moved closer to him, your head in the crook of his neck. After about an hour of being on this planet, you weren't feeling good. Now, as you were in the warmth, you really didn't feel good.
You had a huge headache and your chest hurt. Pavel was very comfortable and you were starting to fall asleep. But you couldn't. It was too noisy with all the wind outside and Pavel was starting to get sick.
Three hours passed inside the blanket. You were about to fall asleep and Pavel already had. It was now warmer, but the snow underneath you two made it colder and wet.
Two more hours passed. You had fallen asleep but woke up. Pavel's breath was slowing down and so was yours. It was getting seriously cold here. You kept close, your head still in the crook of his neck, his head on yours. His lips just touched the top of your forehead. You fell asleep again, and this time didn't wake up on the planet.
The sickbay was very busy. Doctor McCoy and all the other doctors and nurses had packed schedules. Most of their schedules were thrown off when you and Pavel had came. Both of you were near death from the extreme cold. Luckily, the two of you managed not to get frostbite from being so close, but your body temps were way off.
Once they warmed you up, both of you had spiked fevers. The Captain, despite not wanting to, had to write messages to your family so they could prepare for the worst.
Weeks had passed before you woke up. Doctor McCoy let you go back to your quarters, but you didn't want to because Pavel was still here. You had been talking to him and trying to get him to wake up. It wasn't working.
Two weeks had passed before he woke up and was aloud to go home. You stayed with him for a couple days to make sure he was okay.
"Are you going to work today?" You ask after sending another note to your family. They kept asking you how you and Pavel were doing.
"Yes. The Captain said he would like me back as soon as possible. Apparently it's too quiet without me." Pavel answered, putting on his yellow shirt.
"I bet. Your quiet at first but once people get to know you, you never shut up." You say jokingly. "Have a good day" you say kissing his cheek.
"See you later. Have a good day." Pavel said, kissing you back.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien