This bitter sweet moment has come. The last chapter. I will start a second book, it will be published when this chapter is published.
I'd like to thank ANYONE who has ever read this book. It means the world to me. Anyone who's voted or commented, thank you.
There are a few people who I've become relatively friends with. JustALittleTrekkie
valkyrie79 (you haven't read it, but you're my friend and encourage my writing.
nebraska8786 (same goes for you, only you've read it.)
Juliet22FujiokaAnd so much more people. That was only the beginning. Thank you so so so so much. This chapter won't be as long as I'd like. Hope it's awesome. Thanks JustALittleTrekkie for helping me with the idea. And for giving me advice over messages when I need help with anything. Appreciate it.
The next book will be similar to this one. Requests are always welcome. Chapters will be from childhood, Starfleet Academy, the Enterprise, after the Enterprise, etc. This chapter may seem like the ending, but it isn't. I swear.
Enjoy the chapter and Live Long and Prosper! 🖖
A bittersweet moment has arrived. The time had come for the five year mission to end. So much had happened, so many friendships made.
The main crew decided to have a party at Kirk's home. Since he was captain he got a lot of money, so he bought a mansion. Everyone was in his living room, drinking, talking, laughing.
The five year mission was officially over. People had made relationships, you were still single.
Ensign Chekov had been promoted to Lt. Chekov. You were a nurse in the sickbay, and doctor McCoy's assistant.
"Hey, guys. What was your favorite part of that mission?" Kirk asked, sitting on the ground.
"Even though they end badly, the away missions." You answer. A few people nod.
"I like being found on that planet." Scotty admitted, raising his hand a little. He was kinda drunk already.
"Okay. I like being the captain of the best crew known to man." Kirk said, smiling at everyone.
"Awe." You mutter. The captain was the best.
"Do you think any of us will be assigned to the same ship again?" Chekov asked, looking up, his eyes like a puppy dogs.
"That is a possibility. It's quite unlikely though." Spock said, trying to lighten the mood. It wasn't really working.
"Remember that game of truth or dare we did a while back? Why don't we continue that?" Sulu suggested.
Everyone nodded in agreement and began the game. Sulu started, seeing as it was his idea.
"Okay, Scotty, truth or dare?"
"Dare." Scotty said, swaying a little. He hadn't drank that much, yet he was practically wasted.
"I dare you to run two laps around the house, wearing a purple wig." Sulu said, smiling at his idea. Scotty just nodded and walked down the hall.
"Perfect hair, do you have any wigs?!" He yelled, from the end of the hall.
"Never thought I'd hear a grown man say that." You mutter to Chekov.
"I don't have any! I'll run out and buy one." Jim yelled, leaving the room. He returned about ten minutes later with a wig. Scotty had came into room where everyone else was to wait.
"Thank you. You're not perfect hair anymore, I am." Scotty said, putting the wig on. He stood up and strutted out of the room like a model. You needed to get Scotty drunk more often.
Scotty returned a minute later, covered in eggs. "Some people outside didn't like my hair." He muttered, sitting down. "Anyway, time for someone else to burn. Y/N, truth or dare."
"Truth." You say, scared of what the dare would be. Everyone groaned at how boring you were being.
"Fine, who did you have a crush on while working on the Enterprise? And you have to pick one of us." Scotty asked, smiling at you. You just rolled your eyes.
"Kirk." You say, crossing your arms. "Happy?"
"YEAH!" Kirk yelled, smiling up at you. He winked which just caused you to roll your eyes.
"Alright. Spock, truth or dare?" You ask.
"I'm not playing." Spock muttered.
"Oh come on Spock! Don't be so boring!" Everyone insisted.
"Fine. Dare." Spock said. The perfect idea popped into your head.
"You Spock, have to let Uhura and I put makeup on you." You say, grinning form ear to ear.
"I like this." Uhura muttered. All of the guys look horror struck.
"Truth." Spock said. "Truth truth truth truth."
"Nope, you chose dare. Let's go pretty boy." You say, standing up. Uhura got up and helped you drag Spock into the other room.
You and Uhura returned five minutes later, Spock reluctantly walking behind you two. Both of you stepped aside in the doorway so the guys could see him.
Everyone burst out laughing at the sight. "Oh my god." McCoy muttered, laughing.
Spock would be blushing, but you two already had makeup on his cheeks. He was staring straight forward, trying not to crawl into a ball on the floor. The two of you had put mascara and lipstick on him.
"So cute." You say, kissing his cheek. Uhura did the same.
"Think about it Spock, if you have a daughter one day this is all you'll do. Trust me." McCoy said, rolling his eyes. "Joanna made me do this before her mother and I split."
"Is this what having a daughter is like?" Spock asked, still astounded.
"Yup." McCoy muttered, nodding his head.
"I now refuse to have a daughter." Spock said, walking over to a sink and washing off his face.
"Alright Spock, your turn." McCoy said, just as everyone's phones beeped with a message.
"OH MY GOD!" Kirk yelled. Everyone gasped and smiled at the message.
"We get to go on another mission!" Chekov yelled.
"Same crew, same ship, same mission." McCoy said, grinning down at his phone.
There was another mission. Another whole five year mission.
So that's it. Hope everyone liked it! Let me know what you think. Please enjoy the second book. Final chapter written 8/4/15
Started 3/24/15

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien