You woke up one day and noticed something was strange. Your boyfriend Spock, was no where to be found. You got up and decided to go to work. Half-way through the day, you got a message from Captain Kirk.
"Y/N, you need to come to sickbay.He was acting strange, so I had Ensign Chekov escort him to sickbay. It's hard to explain so just come as quick as possible."
You got up from the project you were working on and rushed to sickbay. When you got there, you had to go into a private room. You barely recognized Spock. He had his hair in more of a modern style and he was wearing normal clothes, not his Starfleet uniform. He was also smiling. Smiling
"Hello, Y/N? How are you?" He asked grinning even bigger.
"I'm fine Spock, what about you?" You slowly say.
"Great! Couldn't be better!" He answered.
"Do you know what could have happened to him?" Doctor McCoy whispered to you. You shook your head.
"Hey," Spock said as he hopped down from the bed. "I love you," he kissed you. You tried to pull away, not knowing if what he had was contagious.
"Uh.. Spock. Maybe you should lay back down." Doctor McCoy said. Spock pulled away from you and grinned. He walked back to the bed and laid down, but he couldn't sit still.
"How can we fix him?" You ask.
"I don't know." McCoy said.
**two days later**
McCoy had figured out an antidote. Apparently, Spock ate this weird fruit on a planet. Other people had eaten the fruit too, but since they acted human, it didn't affect them. Spock was finally aloud to return to his and yours quarters.
"Y/N," he asked.
"Yes Spock?"
"What did I act like?"
"You don't remember?"
"Well, you had your hair in a modern style. You wore normal clothes and smiled. A lot. You even kissed me. Once again, a lot." You explained.
"Was the kissing a problem?" He asked.
"No not a problem at all." You answer.
"Alright." He said leaning into kiss you some more.
So, Spock acting human. That's not weird at all. If anyone has a request or idea let me know. If I wasn't specific enough on why he looked like, that's what the picture of Zachary Quinto is there for.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien