Asking someone out can be hard. Especially if you've never had any experience. Pavel Chekov, was one such person. He wanted to ask you out so badly. So, naturally he talked to his friends for advice.
Kirk had been very unhelpful. He had never been in a long relationship before. The longest relationship he had was three dates.
McCoy had been worse. He started blabbing about how women are mean and will divorce you. You make think your in love, but they would just dump you in the end.
Uhura was WAY to excited, that she was NO help. Sulu was acting in a similar way, only teasing. Scotty went into an extremely long story, leaving Pavel near to falling asleep.
Lastly, was Spock. Pavel had been dreading this for ages. Spock was a Vulcan, emotionless.
"Um... Mr. Spock?" Pavel asked slowly walking into the rec room where Spock was. Thank god he was alone.
"Yes, Mr Chekov what is it?" Spock asked looking up from his work.
"I've been asking people how to ask someone on a date. Your the only person that I haven't asked for help yet. The rest of the crew was unhelpful." Pavel said nervously.
"I don't know much about human dating behaviors, but I'll try. Why don't you ask her if she wants to get dinner with you. That seems to work most times." Spock suggested. Pavel shrugged and sat down. He sighed.
"What if that doesn't work?" He asked.
"You could ask if she wanted to do something else." Spock said. "Now please leave me to my work."
"Yes sir, thank you." Pavel said getting up and leaving.
Three days later, Pavel knocked in your door.
"Hello, Y/N." he said when you opened it.
"Chekov, what are you doing here?" You ask.
"I wanted to see if you want to go on a date. With me. Tonight." He said.
"Sure," you say stunned. He likes me back! He likes me back!
"Great! Be here about 7:00" Pavel said grinning. You closed the door and walked into your quarters.
"Wow, Spock's advice worked." Pavel muttered before walking away.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien