Time travel was AWFUL. You and Spock were transported many years into Earth history. You saw a women that seemed familiar, but you couldn't put your finger in it. Spock felt it too, and also with this man.
You and Spock were following these two, watching them. Suddenly, Spock jumped up and sat down in an ally way. He put his head to his knees.
"What's wrong?" You ask sitting next to him. He looked up at you, his hair messed up and no longer straight.
"I recognize those people. They are my parents. We are in the past. That explains how some of the technologies are out of date." He said. You were astounded.
"What do we do about this?" You say moving closer to him.
"In this circumstance, I don't know." Spock said. "We should look out for each other though."
"Agreed." You answer. "Let's get something to eat. I'm hungry." You say standing up. You walk out of the ally and go to a little cafe around the corner. You and Spock got your food and sat down. He got up to go scope out where you guys landed.
Spock walked quickly to get to the landing site. He knew this was important, and that he couldn't meet his parents. Suddenly, an animal jumped out of know where and attacked him, knocking him out.
"Sarek, we should help him." Spock heard a voice say, as he slowly started to wake up. He opened his eyes to see a young women standing over him. Once his eyes adjusted, he noticed it was his mother. He jumped back, but regretted it. Pain shot through his head.
"Ow." He muttered moving his hands to his head.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I startle you? Are you feeling okay?" She asked. "I'm Amanda by the way, and this is Sarek."
"It's quite alright. I'm feeling alright, but my head is sore." Spock said. "I'm Spock."
"You are a Vulcan." Sarek said. Spock nodded before trying to stand. Amanda helped he get up. You noticed them and ran over.
"Spock! Are you okay!" You yell running toward him. When you get to him you grab him in a hug, before pulling apart and seeing his head. "Oh, your bleeding!"
"Y/N, I'm alright. It is just a scratch." He said, trying to calm you and get you to notice his parents. You did.
"Oh," you mutter looking at them.
"Is something wrong?" Amanda asked looking at you.
"No problem." You answer before whispering to Spock. "Should we tell them." Spock nods.
"Um. This is going to sound crazy, but we have something to tell you. Please don't think we're crazy." You say. Amanda, Spock, and Sarek all followed you to a private spot, where no one goes.
"Okay, so Spock and I are from the future." You say sitting down.
"Out ship went out of control and we crashed years in my past. I've even met my parents here." Spock explained. Amanda and Sarek nodded.
"Who are your parents?" Amanda asked. "We believe you by the way." Se added.
"My parents, are you." Spock said. Amanda lent back and glanced at Sarek.
"Your our son?" She asked shocked, grabbing Sarek's hand.
"Yes." Spock responded.
"Isn't it dangerous to have two of you in the same place?" Amanda asked.
"Yes, very dangerous." Sarek cut in, answering for Spock.
"Well then you probably should touch me again." Amanda said. It took you a minute to Get what it meant. Amanda was pregnant with Spock, while adult Spock was right next to you.
"We should probably get to work so Y/N and I can go back to our time." Spock said, apparently not wanting to talk about himself.
It took one week and a lot of work from Sarek and Spock to figure out the mathematics. You and Amanda had packed supplies incase you and Spock were stuck for a while.
For six months, you and Spock were stuck in the shuttle. You had become pregnant in that time. He was happy and looking forward to having kids.
There was one good thing coming out of this time travel experience, Spock got to see his mother again.
Authors note
Commented by @Juliet22Fujioka
I hope you liked it. It was a little different than you commented.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien