**part 2 of last chapter**
Spock wasn't much better. He had thrown up a couple of times and had a fever. 106.9 degrees. It may sound high, but that's about right for a Vulcan. If he were human, the temp would be 100.4.
"Y/N," Spock muttered half asleep. He had been trying to fall asleep for over an hour. You had started working in some reports you were behind on. That's why you had the day off.
"What's up Spock?" You ask glancing at him. He had his face in a pillow, his black hair in knots. He wasn't wearing a shirt, but had a blanket up to his shoulders.
"My throat has become quite dry. Could you get me some water?" He asked, his voice muffled.
"Sure. Cold or warm?" You ask, getting up.
"Cold." He responds yawning. You get the water and bring it to him. He rolls over, his face was still paler than usual. Spock took the water and drank it very fast. "Thank you." He muttered laying down on his back.
"Your welcome. Are you feeling better?" You ask moving his bangs out of his eyes.
"No." He muttered. You kissed his forehead. It was warmer than before.
"I'm going I take your temp." You say getting the thermometer. It was 107.5. Hotter than before. "It's 107.5." He sighed.
"How long until it's over." Spock complained.
"Are you....complaining?" You ask laughing.
"I suppose." Spock said giving you the evil eye. "Should we plan where we are going on out first date? You know that I like plans."
"Sure." You say sitting next to him.
"I'll be at your quarters at about 7:00. We'll go to dinner. Does that sound okay as a first date?" Spock asked.
"It sounds fine." You say kissing his cheek.
"There will be a surprise." Spock added.
"Can't wait." You say kissing his cheek again.

Star Trek Reader Inserts
Fanfiction[COMPLETE; EDITING] Just some Star Trek reader inserts for reboot and Wesley Crusher from TNG. Nothing inappropriate included. PARTS 2 AND 3 ARE UP!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek or any character/alien