Chapter 2*

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Hayden's POV

Sometimes I question my decisions in life. I like to think I think things through, and really see the whole picture but apparently not. Quite the opposite really because if you sit there and think to long then all the 'what if's' and questions come up, so usually I just go through with things.

Impulsive I know.

And honestly I don't think that's a good tactic to get through life. Or atleast I did until I realized my life decisions have led me to this exact moment where a middle aged man is yelling at me while I'm supposed to be a practice.

This is a great way to start the morning.

"Are you serious right now Hayden!" He shouts at me, and I roll my eyes behind my hand as I rub it across my face and sigh.

"In my defense." I start as I hold my hand up, and he narrows his eyes at me. "Technically speaking, I did write something."

If he wasn't already mad he was furious now. I could basically see steam coming from his ears at this point and his hand slamming on the desk makes me nod my head in understanding that he ain't buying what I'm selling at the moment.

"You wrote something?" He questions me slowly, and I nod my head strongly as he chuckles and shakes his own. Not a good sign..."Is that what you call it when you pay Mr.Arthur to borrow his paper for a night so you could 'scan what the topics about'?"

"Pay?" I gasp as real as I can, and Mr.Walker does not look happy by this action. Then I look over to Arthur, the red headed kid with curly hair sitting in the seat beside me. "This is my good friend. He's our water boy, and I would never ask him to do something like that for me."

Mr.Walker nods in fake understanding from what I can tell before he lays two pieces of paper down on the table for both of us to see. "Y'all's essays are almost the exact same, except for you." He waves a hand towards me. "Accidentally copied Arthur's name on yours too. And forgot to change the name in the personal questions about the essay."

I furrow my brows then looks down to my paper where one question asks. 'What change would you have made if you were part of the movement?' then I look to both answers on the papers where they start with 'I Arthur Simons...'

Well Damn.

"Alright in my defense once again." I tell him looking up at the old man who looks like he gained a few wrinkles from me. "I don't know who the hell starts a sentence with 'I' then continues to put their names like they don't know who the hell you're talking about. And secondly....I changed a few words."

I'm pretty sure he's seeing red at this point of our conversation. "It's your essay, you're not supposed to 'change a few words.'" He used quotations like I didn't do that. Idiot. "You're supposed to write the whole damn paper seeing as this was one of your only major grades."

I sigh as I hold both my hands up like he's telling me to because I think that makes people more calm. "Okay you're right...I take half responsibility because this fucker." I point to the red head who's face gets the exact color as his hair when he notices who I'm talking about. "Basically forced me."

"Forced you?" Mr.Walker questions me with a glare, and I nod. "Got it so this Arthur said 'Hey big guy that's about two times my size. You better fucking copy my paper or else I'm going to beat your ass'?"

I shrug. "Pretty much."

"What do you mean by forced Hayden?" He asks me. "Please enlighten me."

I clear my throat, and sit up more so my backs straighter and I look more official. "You see...I told him I needed help on my paper, and he pulled his out then said I can give you some notes." He blinks as if he waiting for more than I wave it off. "And the rest is history."

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