Chapter 6*

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Blair's POV

The sound of people laughing makes me look up from the register to see a group of people, a couple years younger than me sitting at a table with drinks I just dropped off all in their hands. I purse my lips out of annoyance because their laughter is loud, to loud for my liking specifically.

I lean my elbows down on the counter in-front of my register as I sigh then look at the time. I internally groan when I see I'm still on clock for another three hours, then I look around the place where only a few tables have people. We're not allowed to be on our phones here, so when I reach in my pocket just to see if anything's going on, of course Mr.Turner decided to walk out at that time.

"Blair..." He warns, and I sigh as I drop the phone that was almost out of my pocket, back down. Turning towards the old mans voice I give him a grin despite the fact that it's the last expression I want to wear at the moment. "Everything good?"

The man narrows his eyes at me and I roll my own at his words while I wave a hand in the air, shrugging it off. "I'm fine Mr.Turner, just so bored I feel like I'm about to go out of my mind."

"Well work isn't exactly supposed to be fun sweetie." He chuckles, and I frown knowing it's true.

He's lucky I like money or I wouldn't be here. Kidding, I love the old man but the money part isn't to bad either.

I look out to where the sun is currently setting, and I watch as people walk past the door on the sidewalk of the street full of stores and food places. "That's lame." I inform him as I pick up my cup of coffee I made for myself because lord knows I have close to no energy.

"I agree." He nods his head, and I smile as he begins to fill the ice machine which is originally what he came near this area for.

The ice crunches as it hits against the inside of the container he pours it in as I just keep staring out the door. My feet step lightly in place as I try to get the soreness from dancing last week to go away but it could have something to do with the fact that I wake up and am pretty much on my feet until I get home from work.

But when the bell rings, it breaks me out of my concentration as Emma and Maya walk in to which I grin but then I see Hayden with them and it falls. Dammit. They all walk over here while talking about something until I hear in a bit on their conversation.

"I'm not sure why you're asking us for help. I mean I can hardly pass the class myself, what the hell are we supposed to do for you?" Emma asks Hayden who rolls his eyes, and I furrow my brows as I lean off the counter a bit.

Maya sighs at this. "Exactly what I was saying. Sorry Hayden but I can't even do the work for myself." I hate being out of the loop.

Hayden looks between the two and shakes his head. "You two looked smart enough but never mind. And come on y'all really don't even know any answers y'all can give me? Like if you could give me a little cheat sheet to write on my arm that would be aweso-"

"This isn't a freakin movie, you're not going to get away with that." Emma crosses her arms over her chest. "And to answer. No. No we don't." then she turns to me with a smile. "Hey Blair."

I look between them all confused them back to Emma who's gaze I meet. "Hey...what are y'all talking about?" I ask them then take another drink when my throat becomes dry.

They go to speak up but Hayden pushes through them coming up to the front making me glare at him. "I need help. I have like a pile of biology papers I need help with, and if I don't get them turned in soon I'll fail." he informs me, and I keep staring at him. "Hey- you're in my biology class."

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