Chapter 13*

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Blair's POV

"Dammit." Sam curses as she looks into the vending machine, and I look to see the bag of chips she was trying to get, got stuck halfway in the claw.

She starts to shake the machine slightly but seeing as it's way heavier than her little and brittle body it doesn't budge. "These machines are always broken. I swear I probably have like a hundred dollars worth of lost snacks in there."

"No kidding." She mutters until she shakes it one more time and when it doesn't budge she rolls her eyes and goes back in her pocket for more change.

"Salt and vinegar chips are cursed anyways." I shrug, and she playfully glares.

"Incorrect. They are one of the best creations in the entire universe, and you Blair Rivera need to get it together." She pokes my arm, and I grin in her direction.

I watch as she puts more quarters in then I look in the direction of where patients are going in and out of the back rooms. "You know coming to these things without my mom here is way better. For starters I would always have to sneak a snack out of there because 'they're bad for my health'."

"Ugh I bet," she muses as she presses in the numbers and her chips luckily fall easily to which she smiles. "I know I can't wait until I can come here without my dad. Or at-least I hope I don't have to come here after I'm eighteen but we'll see."

I give a smile as I sigh internally. Her cancer cells weren't entirely gone last time she got checked up so now she's doing chemo-therapy. They're sure with the chemo and the surgery she had prior to that, they'll get rid of all the bad cells.

Which she tried to convince me to start doing chemo-therapy too but Ive tried it and I was done with it within 6 weeks. I was tired all the time, and I honestly felt like I was dying so I thought I'd just save my time and cut out the other part of misery.

"Me too." I purse my lips before I sigh.

She looks over at me and study's me for a moment then looks away. I sigh once again, but louder and more dramatic. This time she looks like she wants to say something but decides to look away. Then another, loud and obnoxious sigh goes past my lips an-

"Blair I feel as if something may be wrong, so please enlighten me." She said in a sarcastic tone while opening her bag of chips.

"Well since you ask," I start off, and she rolls her eyes. "I've been thinking about a few things...or I guess you could say a certain someone."

She halts the chip that halfway to her mouth and looks up to me. "Do I know this certain someone?" Then she stuffs it in her mouth.

"No. And you're probably not going to because I'm hiding something from this certain someone."

"Do I know the secret you're hiding from this certain someone?" She questions with furrowed brows.

"Yes you do." I nod in conformation.

She nods too. "Okay so you're hiding something from this person...are you thinking about telling them?"

"God no," I slightly laugh as I shake my head. "I've been thinking about this person because I'm feeling'm happy when I'm around them but I don't want to be." 

" you're happy around this person so you don't want to ruin the 'vibe' with your secret?" She asks me.

I exhale. "The secret isn't important Sam. The important part is that I need someone to talk to about these upcoming...things. Because I can't talk to Emma or Maya because they know him."

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