Chapter 32*

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Blair's POV

I walk down the stairs when I smell something cooking. My nostrils immediately fill with the scent of a breakfast food before I walk into the kitchen to see my mom flipping some pancakes and bacon to which I narrow my eyes at because that's weird. She doesn't cook unless she's got something going on.

"Are you having a mid-life crisis?" I question while I walk further into the room.

She looks over her shoulder. "Nope. Just making breakfast."

"Yeah mom, I got my cooking skills and priorities from you. And just in case you couldn't tell, I don't cook and neither do you so my guess is that you're freaking out about your golden years approaching." 

"Sweetheart, when older people freak out it's not always about their age." She informs me with a sigh.

"I would be freaking out if I was about to turn fifty. And it's elder mom, not older. That's just plain rude." I shake my head while walking over to the fridge where I retrieve a drink.

"Well I'm not. And my birthday already passed."

I grab a piece of bacon from her plate that's already cooked and I shrug. "I know that. But it seems like something that would be on an elderly persons mind a lot. Like 'oh shit, I'm going to turn half of a hundred soon' or 'was I really alive when the titanic sank?' Just things like that."

"Oh my god, do you even know when the titanic sank? Im not that old Blair, and I'm especially not an elder." She scoffs while shaking her head.

I furrow my brows. "Okay, I was being a little dramatic but it was for emphasis. We're you alive during world war ll?"


"Vietnam war?" I question.

"No again."

"Hmm," I think for a moment. "Oh, you must've been alive during the Declaration of Independence?"

"Blair, you do understand I'm only thirty-seven right?" She asks me while she stops for a moment.

"Yes. I remember me and Luke were accidents quite well, especially that idiot. I was just a straight blessing in disguise." I nod my head in assurance.

She stares for a moment then gets back to what she was doing. "Right. Anyways the point is that I'm not having a mid-life crisis. And I am most definitely not an elder. I have just been thinking, and cooking helps me when I'm a little stressed and right now my blessing is making me even more stressed."

"That's why I'm a blessing in disguise." I clarify while she sighs just when Luke walks in as he stretches after just getting out of bed. "Morning loser."

He waves and grabs something to drink while rubbing his eyes. "What are you making?"

She goes to answer but I do instead. "Shes making a stress breakfast. I thought she was having a mid-life crisis."

"Shes cooking?" Luke looks her direction for a moment. "Are you sure she isn't having a mid-life crisis?"

"She says it's not possible. Because apparently almost being forty just isn't enough to fit the criteria." I shrug a little while he studies her.

"No, that's definitely old enough." He nods and I give our mom a 'see I told you' look because she says it's not. Poor woman is in denial.

"Oh my god, I'm getting married and I didn't know how to tell you two, so I was going to break the news over a nice breakfast once Dan gets here so we can all be a happy freakin family but you two can't just shush every once in a while!" She snaps as she turns our direction.

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