Chapter 3*

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Blair's POV

"Somethings different about you." I tell Maya as I point a pen at her face with furrowed brows. She looks up from her phone with the same smile she's been wearing for the past hour nonstop. "Why are you doing that so much? You're going to get smile lines babe."

She purses her lips, and sets her phone down which it immediately pings and she looks down to it like it's painful not to grab. " dad just...yeah." she shrugs like it's the most obvious thing on the world, and I furrow my brows deeper which she runs her thumb over to get the crease out of. "And you're going to get frown lines."

Shoving her hand away, her phone pings again. And again. And again before I can't take it, and I grab it from the table getting up as I do and running behind the counter of Coffee Hobby. "No entry unless you're an employee, and look at this." I nod down to my apron. "I'm an employee."

"Phone Blair, it's nothing important." She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly but her face looks very challenged at the idea of me having her phone which it never has. I put my thumb against the pad because it's locked in there, and it opens to-


"Blondie what the hell!" I gag as I slid her phone across the counter, and she catches it then grabs it quickly.

"You act like I was looking at porn or something." She scoffs, while putting the phone in the pocket of her denim jacket and looking around to make sure no ones looking at us during our interaction.

"That's even worse." I inform her. "I did not need to see text of my asshole brother being all lovely dovey. Those two aren't supposed to make a consolation."

Maya rolls her eyes, and picks up her iced coffee from the table then takes a drink just as Emma walks in.

She looks between us as we both stand there staring at each other. "Um...Mayas supposed to be the peace maker between me and you Blair, so I don't know how to fix this."

Maya speaks up first saying "Tell Blair to grow up, and accept the fact that her brother is...getting softer with me."

"Oh...Maya if he's getting softer when he's around you that's not a good sign-" Emma try's to tell her in a whisper but I definitely hear making me close my eyes and shake my head as I feel like throwing up.

"He gets plenty hard around-" Maya try's to start but I cut her off by throwing one of my pens at her. "Bla-" and another "Sto-" and another. "Sowhatyourbrotherlikesme!" She shouts at me as I continue to throw pens at her.

"I don't care that he likes you, just stop talking about the...other subject, you." I point to Emma with scowl. "Were insinuating, because I'm not his friend, I'm his sister you freakin idiots."

Emma gives me an apologetic smile, while Maya seems to register it and nods in understanding. "Yeah sorry about that..but Blair you can't be like that or it's going to make things uncomfortable."

I narrow my eyes at Maya as she sweeps her blond hair behind her ear, and avoids my stern eyes. "How am I making you uncomfortable? I'm very supportive of whatever you and my brother have going on, I just don't want to hear details. And it's not my fault you've been on your phone the whole time we've been hanging out."

"Well what do you want from me, you didn't even ask me how my night was yesterday." Maya informs me, while now basically chugging her coffee which she does. She gets thirsty when she's in confrontation, and drinks so much I'm surprised she hasn't drowned her own body at this point.

I furrow my brows. Let's see here I woke up, stretched, went to the bathroom to do my business, took my meds, reluctantly got ready for school, drove to school, went through my day and made plans to meet them here later while I worked, came to work where Maya walked in not far behind me, then...oh yeah I definitely didn't ask her about her life.

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