Chapter 10*

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Hayden's POV

After school today we had another game. We of course won it, and I don't like to be a show off or anything, and honestly we're mid but the other team made six points the whole time. So we had the advantage of scoring a little bit more points to say the least.

Then I found out my buddy John was having an after party, but I do not feel like drinking tonight. So I thought I'd take my chances with going home. Except I should've known with my dads downfall he would be home, so when I got into my driveway to see him parked I was considering whether or not I should just go that get away before it's to late.

But when I opened the door I definitely wasn't surprised to see him sitting on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand as a show plays on tv. "Look who finally came home." He comments, and I sigh.

This isn't a home anymore. "Yeah I just wanted to lay down." I inform him as I begin to walk upstairs but then he speaks up.

"I got a call from the hospital telling me I should come visit with you one day. I don't even know how you could be in proximity without guilt for putting her there." He rasps out before he starts to laugh.

I blink a few times then turn towards him with furrowed brows. "I didn't do anything. And you don't deserve to see her." I said while staring at him through disbelief.

He looks over at me with a warning look. "Oh really? I think you need to for starters revaluate who deserves to see her. And secondly lose the fucking attitude."

I roll my eyes as I slide my hands into my pockets and slightly fist the inside fabric. "Well I'm not sure what you want from me exactly. You don't want me talking back but what am I supposed to do when I know who's in the right, and who's in the wrong."

"It's funny you think you're in the right when you're the one to blame for why we're here right now." He scoffs while he stands to his feet, and begins to walk closer to me to which I warily take a step back. "Awe is someone scared of me? Good you deserve to come home and be scared."

Oh man. My brows slightly furrow though I keep my composure. "Why won't you just leave me alone anymore? You're a fucking drunk who can barely get through his days but you always make sure you're not to drunk to let me off the hook."

He throws his empty beer bottle away, then walks over to the fridge before reaching down into it and grabbing another one. "I don't understand how you live with yourself everyday." He mumbles as he walks closer with a glare in his eyes. "I should fucking kill you." He whispers to me, but I keep the shock inside.

"Scary. If you're going to make threats go through with them instead of acting like a coward." I state before I try to walk around him to just get out, and I'm not sure but just anywhere but here. Except when I try to walk away I feel him grab the back of my shirt, and rip me back.

"I would. And god I would enjoy it but I know you deserve to drown in your own guilt." He assures me in my ear while my chest rises up and down. Then he pushes me away causing me to slightly stumble but I help catch myself on a table. "Now get out. I don't want to see you in my house right now."

I stare at him while I wonder where the hell my dad that I grew up with, and the man who taught me so many things went. I wonder when everything changed to this, and how I let it get so bad. I think both of us are to blame, but I just wanted him to love me like he used to. I don't even feel like his son now.

So without another word, I walk out of the front door making sure to slam it shut behind me before I get in my truck. I look at the time, and I shoot Luke a quick message before I begin my way to the Rivera's while I hold onto the steering wheel for dear life out of pure anger.

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