Chapter 34*

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Hayden's POV

I never really enjoyed animosity. I mean I don't exactly think anyone really favors it or anything, but I do think that sometimes it's needed. Right now I don't really think the uncomfortable air is needed, especially not in these conditions on this day.

Looking at Blair who's sitting a few feet away from me, and over to Emma who's standing with Noah near the doorway, an uncomfortable energy grows for everyone in a ten mile radius. Blair's glare already makes you want to crawl out of your skin, and Emma is obviously shifting uncomfortablely as my girlfriend looks in her direction as if she is two seconds from pouncing.

I swallow the lump in my throat while Luke walks in with Maya by his side as he looks at Blair for a moment then over to Emma where she now stares at the floor with a shameful look in her demeanor. And when Luke and Maya come sit by me, my best friend is the first to speak up.

"What the hell is going on?" He questions while sitting back then taking a sip of his drink. "That's a bad death glare, that's even worse than the glare I get."

"No it's not." I try to reason, and when I look over at Blair as her gaze cuts to me for a moment before it scorches my skin and immediately look away. "Or maybe it is. Maya do you know what's going on?"

She shakes her head while looking down. "No. I'm sure it's nothing bad." She mutters and I know she's lying, probably on Luke's behalf.

"Babe, that's clearly something bad. Her and Emma have never fought like this, I mean they haven't even talked in days and now being in the proximity between the two is sort of awkward."

"I think that's a bad word to use." I say because that word does no justice to the feeling in the air tonight. "And you don't need to worry about that man, it's your birthday party. I'm sure whatever's going on will pass, I mean it's Blair and Emma."

Todays Luke's birthday and we're throwing a little get together at his house. It's supposed to be nice and calm, except the tension in the room is making everyone run away to the kitchen or anywhere but here. I can't exactly blame them, I would run away too except that's my girlfriend so I need to investigate a little bit.

Plus she's hot when she's mad. It's a double thing I'm fighting in my mind.

"Exactly. They fight about dumb things and Emma eventually forgives Blair when she says things she doesn't mean, then it's hugging and pillow fights two seconds later. But something serious happened between these two." Luke shakes his head slightly.

"I think Blair's just mad about other things too. I mean they can't be that mad at each-other...can they?" Maya questions and when I look over she's gazing between the two worried.

Luke immediately comforts her by pulling her into his side. "Hey it's okay, they'll work it out. They fight about stupid things like a married couple."

She nods. "But I think they need my help. Maybe if I ju-"

"No. This is their deal, not yours. Don't stress about it I'm sure they'll get over it sooner or later. I love you and you don't deserve to always be the buffer between them two." He tells her while I admire this side of my friend and the look in his eyes as he hugs her into his side.

She grins a little at this as her pale skin turns a light shade of red. "I love you too. Do you want to go get some drinks? I can't watch this anymore. I feel like a divorced child."

"Mhm, alcohol is always the answer for all divorces." He nods before they stand up then he looks towards me. "You want to come? Blair is slow and thoughtful about her next moves so if you're afraid to miss a girl fight, it's not coming anytime soon."

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