Chapter 33*

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Blair's POV

I open my eyes as I sigh to myself and rub my face up and down. I'm tired although I can't seem to go to sleep no matter how hard I try, and trust me when I say I've been trying for hours on end. So as I look up to my dark ceiling that has some light from the open window reflecting off of it, I groan because I just want to sleep.

Except I know I won't be able to, so I sit up while I throw my legs over the side of the bed. I close my eyes and pop my neck and fingers before I stand up, and my hand goes down to my stomach when it growls. Apparently Barol is a fan of midnight snacks too. I'm already a fan of this thing.

I walk over to my door as I open it to reveal a dark and quiet hallway. When I step out I hear the sound of a movie playing in my brothers room, and his door is slightly ajar so when I look inside to see him sound asleep I roll my eyes then shut his door while I continue my way down the stairs while I look at the clock for a moment to see it's almost one in the morning.

This happens sometimes. I can't sleep some nights, and that's how it's been since I was a  kid. I usually switch between not sleeping enough, then over sleeping. Or I just have an overall bad schedule because I decide to take naps at 9 o'clock at night, but I can't stay asleep unless I don't go to bed at-least by 11. It's complicated and I hate it because I would love to be asleep right now, except I know that's not how this is going to work.

So after glancing at the time I make my way to the kitchen as I sit with my back against the counter once I get a bowl of ice cream. These are nice hours to think at-least, I mean it's quiet and dark and what is a better thinking space than a place where there's no one to bother you or interrupt your thoughts.

Well that's usually how it is but when I feel someone step behind me and breathe against my neck, I stop the movement of my spoon.

"Penny for your thoughts? Or do those just lead back to me?" He questions and when I look over my shoulder he gives me a breathtaking smile.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I tilt my head slightly then take the bite of my ice cream. "What are you doing here, Hall?"

"Your brother invited me over a few hours ago, but sadly you were asleep by the time the time he was too. But then you won't believe who I heard walking out while I was in the bathroom." He says while he gets in-front of me and plants his hands on the counter around me. Merrily inches away from my face.

"We're you stalking me in my room?" I raise a brow while I hold the spoon in-front of his lips and he happily takes a bite.

"No. I only watched you sleep for about five minutes, which you switched sides twice and started snoring for exactly 10.4 seconds." He tells me with a playful eye roll. "That's basically on the same level as a handshake."

I smile a little before I shake my head. "I would believe you, except I don't snore."

"Oh yes you do. Louder than you think too, but I keep it to myself because you're cute." He informs me before his hand comes up and pinches my cheek and I slap his hand away. "You sound like a train at times. But- a cute train."

"Thank you for clarifying. I really did need that."

"I know you did." He nods then gets a little closer before he kisses me and his cold lips from the ice cream immediately makes my lips freeze even more, except I could care less. Plus the cold that makes its way to my toes completely disappears when his hands grip my waist and I sigh into his mouth.

"You talk in your sleep." I mumble against his lips while I put the bowl of ice cream down besides me and wrap my arms around his neck. "It's kind of weird, but it makes me smile and laugh."

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