Chapter 44*

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Blair's POV

I thought the last time I ever walked into that school would actually be the last time. I didn't mind that one bit, I mean it's not because I exactly hated school or anything, it's more so that fact that I just didn't really like it. Technically speaking it's the same thing, but there's a big difference between hate and dislike, and I just disliked school.

So when I walked out after talking to my principle about homeschooling, it was one of the best moments of my life. So I wasn't really that happy to find out I have to go back, or I mean it is a choice. But I'm mostly going back one more time for Hayden's sake because he asked me, and I can't deny him anything.

Prom. Not really a high school event I was super excited about, but then Hayden got me a carton of ice-cream and set it down on the counter before he grabbed my face with his hands then said 'You're going to prom with me' and I didn't disagree. Mostly because he got me ice cream, so damn him for knowing my weak spot.

I have to go to my high school later tonight which I'm not very happy about. Not to mention I'm currently in the middle of a historical moment. Today is my last day at the coffee shop, and it's kind of making me sad if we're being honest but I think this is a good thing. My feet hurt and I can't wait to lay in bed but then I remember the important business I have to attend to tonight.

"Excuse me." Someone says, grabbing me out of my thoughts, and I look over to see one of the other employees, Ellie.

"Sorry, what's up?" I ask while I stand up a bit straighter.

"It's's 4:00." She tells me while she takes a glance at the clock, and when her words hit me I realize that she means my shift just ended and I no longer have a job.

Huh...well isn't that just dandy?

"Oh, okay." I nod as I step away from the cash register, and I feel like I'm going into panic mode because I don't know how to handle this.

"I wish you the best." She says while she pulls me into a hug and I stand there stiff. Mostly because I'm not sure how to react to anything right now.

I've haven't reacted to anything jobless since I was a freshman. How do I live? Oh god, why did I do this? People should really stop letting me make decisions for myself.

"You too." I mumble as I stare into the kitchen, and I tell myself it's okay because I'm going to make Mr.Turner let me come back here even if I don't work here.

I pull away while I grab my bag and really look at everything with a new perspective. I think I might actually miss this place. A frown graces my lips while I walk out of the cafe, and I feel the air hit against me. It almost seems like new air in way, jobless air while I stand there on my jobless feet. This better get good within the new few days because apparently everything I do now is different as I continue to intake jobless air.

Okay, now I'm just being a bit dramatic.

I'm beginning to walk away so I can stop overthinking this so much, but then I feel someone grab my arm and I turn to see Mr.Turner smiling at me. "Oh, hey. I thought you were off today."

"I am." He nods. "I just wanted to come and see you before you went home."

I grin. "Thanks old man. This is actually a surprisingly difficult time for me, and I thought I'd walk out of this place like I was walking on air. Turns out you can't float on jobless air."

"What?" He blinks confused.

"Oh nothing." I wave it off because clearly it makes no sense to anyone. Not even to myself.

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